Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

VOTE: Apocryphal

well i found mafia so cease your worrying

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how 4 pople instantly jumped on one guy after struggling to make a wagon all day yesterday impresses me and makes me suspicious

if everyone can tell me a guy they dont want to kill i would appreciate it

tbe seems goodish jail seems bad

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hmm i should leave my vote on myself then leave for a day

VOTE: Bionic

I have never known you to self-vote, Bionic.

bionic is just lolcatting

It is pretty easy to spot when someone is pushing agenda


wow sounds like hes mafia then

What I didnā€™t mention to Lemon, is that Canping also voted on Eveā€™s wagon. I am assuming pre-flip that Lemon and Canping are partners, however the flip says otherwise.

I voted him 1 hour later since he wasnā€™t responding immediately.

This does not answer my question to full extend what he thinks, only a vague connection that he and Bionic isnā€™t paired.

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He hasnā€™t mentioned Canping, so that detail I have noticed.

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So, if Canping is designated mislynch and Lemon is Coven, that would mean at least one of the voters on Eve may also have voted on Canping, is only Eve.

So lets not go with that deduction, since thereā€™s Hazardwaste, IcetFeelsPain and Jarek. Bystander got killedā€¦which is odd choice of kill yeah. this either means avoid hitting a jackal/jackal recruit on jail wagon or they have coven there and doesnā€™t want attract undue attention. But letā€™s not deduce something like that yet, this can cause town mislynch.

Oh yeah I remember that Lemon doesnā€™t recall anything from Kelsier, but Lemon voted Kelsier anyway. It is from early hundred posts so that may mean nothing, but that he doesnā€™t recall anythingā€¦thatā€™s odd.

Surely this cant because of disgusting pizza right?

disgusting pizza?

Is that a new FM term, Iā€™m not aware of?

No, its a picture from Kelsier that is posted here.

Hence people voted against Kelsier

I totaly forgot about that.

Lul would be an interesting term for unrelated foodposting