Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

Is foodposters getting 3 votes normal

12 hours 5 votes with no ti results Last day this was the same but with 2 players being wagons instead of 1 wagon (jail and canping) If anything id say the people are struggling to make a wagon now (5 votes vs 10)

Anyways i trust the potato harvester (literally villager) :vote:apocryphal:/vote:

VOTE: Name

VOTE: Apocryphal

How do i quote a post



At the very least jarek is safe



I’m jailor TP/LO/SEER on me or death

This looks wrong how do yall quote properly

i personally the kill spews jail v :p

because bystander is a low info type kill but idk if people on fol do that

redirected? wdym

Read the two dead roles.


Personally its NAI and should be ignored

So is there any infos rn? I kinda woke up now sorry had to do some things last night

I haven’t seen anyone sharing ivestigative results.

and some of the roles even need multiple days to bring anything useful anyway.

How many tis do u think there are?

I mean what amount of tis would be balanced in a 20p jackal game

no reason