Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

Look forward to it

Honestly I don’t like this response.
I find OMGUS townie tbh and just says “yeah sure I’m wolf” is >rand wolf

This is the weirdest reaction to this ever lol

Where is everybody

I’m making a read list, have been doing it for a bit.

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10 -
9 - Leafia, Rhea
8 - Brakuren
7 - Achromatic, Hazard, Millium, Marluna
6 - SirDerpsAlot, SultanOfSlam, Zugzwang, Eliza
5 - Dec, Frostwolf103, Someone
4 - Otterpopd
3 - Crescent, Bionic
2 -
1 -

10 is Lock Town
1 is Lock Wolf

5/6 is Lean one way or other.

Currently I wouldn’t be surprised if Crescent/Bionic wagons are W/W. I think at minimum at least one of them’s a hit.

You read Rhea as town but also read Derp and Sultan as town, why is that?
I thought the interactions between Rhea and these two felt t/w

Expand on Creasent a bit?

Other tanh not liking me what else do you got?

I think that the way Derps has handled interactions this game read relatively pure and it reminds me of the previous game, in which Derps was town. When it comes to Sultan, it feels like they’re a bit more solvey last game. Last game Sultan was the 3P, akin to the 3P this time and it doesn’t feel like Sultan’s trying to push any agenda, instead trying to read and see others’ thoughts too.

Dec is nowhere to be found, so nothing?

Dec is a nowhere they havent posted yet

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To bed!

Yeah for real.

was this directed at me or were you using my wall text to quote?

fair assumption, I will notice that you have never played with me before and this is a fair conclusion to come to because of that. but these two lines are a common reoccurrence in most my games

SirDerpsAlot (3): Frostwolf103, Achromatic, Rhea
Crescent (3): Kiiruma, SirDerpsAlot, Bionic
SultanOfSlam (2): otterpopd, Millium
Millium (1): Brakuren
Bionic (1): Zugzwang
Zugzwang (1): SultanOfSlam

Not Voting (7): ElizaThePsycho, Someone, Hazardwaste, Crescent, Dec, Marluna, Leafia

VOTE: SultanOfSlam
I agree with Brakuren on this front

Sultan is a very bad wavon. Hard shielding.

Also @Rhea can confirm hazard has the confidence of a mouse in a lion’s den.

Leading up to a vote on Sultan over the last few hours is your only actual content of the entire game so far. Any other reads to share?