Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

Yes you are correct:

Fake reasons. Or bad ones depending on if Iā€™m right or wrong about him being a wolf.

I mean I already stated that I thought that your push onto Crescent was really weird, and then your death tunneling of me for being suspisous of you is also really weird + you keep misrepresenting my arguments. Although now I just had a weird idea of:

why would w!Leafia just not kill me if they were so focused on me being suspicious of them?

I mean maybe you can argue that you push a mislynch but that would just make you super sus so idk.

Still your slot is pretty wolfy to me

You only claimed that it was because of some made up AtE. Also, did I even push Crescent? I honestly donā€™t remember.


nice eod
are there really only like 5 people here lol

as someone who just went through ur iso, yes u did

What? My memory isnā€™t the best.

How so? What makes them fake? I also feel like i have similar thoughts but you only attack Brak. Idk why im defending brak dont have a town read on them nessisarily but it seems a bit weird you attack them and not me or both of us.

You called my read OMGUS day 1 and 2 so maybe you dont need to but still weird how im not making fake reasons and Brak is

i just thought the comment was funny, my comment isnā€™t commenting on AI stuff

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Yeah now what are you thoughts who do we kill here

Thanks Millium.

If it was because of that, why claim it was due to AtE Brak?

iā€™m kind of at kill dec and call it a day and uhā€¦ not really sorry if itā€™s wrong

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im at, the low posters are probably gunna lose us the game if they are town, so

My main problem with Leafiaā€™s posts d1 (which led me to not town read them) start here: Knight-Errant - A Normal Game (13/18) - #1590 by Leafia

When did Creasent come back into the game lol

yeah thats basically what the last part of my post is lol

I hardly feel bad for killing low posters I have tried to get them to talk throughout the day

im gunna be straight here, Leafiaā€™s iso has like 0 ate, the only bit of emotion I could see was them getting frustrated with crescent, because of their treatment of others, its nothing to serious, and certainly not wolfy

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