Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

Overall day 1 is probably pretty null tbh. I had this at wolf at EoD 1 but in hindsight Millium has both wolfy and towny moments throughout the day

Actually now that I think about it w!Millium would probably only care if Sultan, Crescent, Leafia contained a wolf. Which makes sense considering their really defensive of Crescent at SoD d1, as well as this comment with Sultan feels really weird if we look at it via a

w! Millium & w! Sultan Reality:

I could see this as being performative?

useless filler

this reaction feels fine? probably expect more of a more forced reaction to early pressure on them, to give off that townie vibe

empty vote is townie in a bubble for kiiruma

I liked their early read on Hazard, but this could easily read as, ā€œwall post = townieā€, and if they took 2 seconds to go through Rheaā€™s other game, that would know they at least start if with walls as a wolf. I also dont agree that its, ā€œattention grabbyā€

this post is okay, id probably argue its closer to nai though

thatā€™s not really how this works, if town likes them, they still have just as high a chance of dying

it was one wall to be fair? i think Kiiruma is overstating how bad this is

idk, I fail to see how we were looking at the same iso here, or how Kiiruma came to the conclusion that Sultan was solvey in their previous game?

townie in a bubble?

meh I feel Crescent had good thoughts, was asking good questions, and making good points, and had a trajectory of multiple people. Im not even sure what they mean be ā€œguidanceā€

quick pivot to Achro after the cop claim, but there seems a bit of hestitancy there, so its weird how eager they are to kill achro here over it. I dont the derps/achro w/w read based off their experience last game

mech solving for a ton of posts, which its not really even good mech solving, because they are just writing out the possible setups which dont help us in the slightest

this is fine


Iā€™ve basically said my peace on this post already

stuff around Brakā€™s claim is fine, but nothing really telling.

the first sentence pings me, since I find wolves are more likely to post this kind of generic question to the thread, and honestly their is almost nothing Arctic can do with the last sentence of this

its still hard to believe that people actually went ahead with using reasoning like this knowing full well that wolves need to start killing PRs, i mean conf bias given i know i am town, and its possible wolves thought derps was a PR. Also there was never any real pressure on me, all the people voting me had no leg to stand on

dont really think the iso from the perspective of this game is townie, meta wise its pretty drastic coming from their last game. nothing too strong here that makes me want to call them a definite wolf. I will note their votes has become non existent, which is a thing that will always ping me.

lol 2 walls

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i refuse to believe I said achro feels the same as he does as a villager

rereading this, im not even sure what my first have is supposed to be saying

tbf my read of them was based on experience i just had with them when they were a wolf, where they basically had 0 thoughts, and I certainly dont think he uses the thought not ā€œgroup scumā€, in any read he is trying to manufacture as a wolf, his brain isnā€™t that deep

it really isnā€™t for me, but thatā€™s for post game

this isnā€™t even relevant to the game, we were digging at each other over last game

ya I wouldnā€™t read into any of that

adding Crescent here is pretty hilarious given they had a train of 1 at the time, but like its also not hard to call out most voting in a bubble as trying to save someone, sheeping isnt really wolfy for me, and there are thoughts trickled around there, but I also didnā€™t want someone to be lynched cause it was a bad wagon

its 2am im going to sleep

Iā€™m likely to place a vote in the morning after I wake up

Millium Day 2

I actually like this comment +town. This was before Bionic revealed they had a redcheck on Achromatic.

This logic follows from day 1 +town

Never responded to this but:

Town: Iā€™m Respighi

Mafia: Iā€™m Aether & Lumine (Hydra with Evakyoo)

This comment is actually +Wolf on Marluna.

With the context of this comment that was posted later on:

This comment is very wolfy as they are deliberately saying that their biggest flaw as wolf is a ā€œjoke way to read someoneā€ + VERY WOLFY

Thank you for describing my early game playstyle +Town.

+Wolf for trying to discredit reads

So now Millium is hard defending Kiiruma as well. I mean I guess this makes sense as they were pretty actively defending Kiiruma day 1.

I like this comment, I donā€™t like what comes after tho:

Pretty cheap way to try to say that I ā€œScumslipped tbhā€ at that point in time it felt like wolves were just piling on me, so I woudlnā€™t be surprised if one of the people that were pushing this idea flip wolf.

Probably not w/w with Crescent. I doubt mafia partners say this about each other in thread.

I like this comment alot +town. Also makes me more so believe in a t/w or t/t world between Millium and Arctic.

Eh I feel like Artic Sk here doesnā€™t make a whole lot of sense. As an SK! Arctic would just kill Millium for this comment.

Donā€™t like this hedging on derps slot after having him as a town read for his EoD d1. There is a potential that their read on Derps EoD d1 is just sheeped from me as it was posted after I already made a comment about it.

Vote count for Achro:

Achromatic (7): Bionic, ElizaThePsycho, Hazardwaste, Leafia, otterpopd, SultanOfSlam, SirDerpsAlot

A W! Millium here probably implicates Leafia/Eliza/Sultan

Overally day 2: Scum Lean

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Iā€™ll respond to this when I get to day 4 btw

Honestly now that I am looking back Sultan & Millium seems like a pretty good possiblity.

I have had Sultan in town reads for a while but this might make me have to re-evaluate (idk why iā€™m getting so much dejavu writing this)

@Rhea @Arctic @Leafia

What do you think of a possible w/w Millium/Sultan world?

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Anyways I am going to sleep now. Will finish writing Millium ISO tommorow.

Iā€™m gonna look into Eliza too as I know I promised @Rhea I would a while ago (and then never delivered). Eliza is the biggest ? for me this game as I genuinely have had no read on them since d1.

I donā€™t like Marluna here, however their vote on me today is almost TWTBW, so Iā€™m going to try to look at them again tommorow.

IK i have in my notes that Millium had a pretty towny d3, so when I finish this they might be a null (though I actually donā€™t like their responses to my recent ISO).

Marluna/Millium/Eliza/Kiiruma is my PoE atm.

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Though this is less so then the others


i think that would be pretty silly but i donā€™t think itā€™s impossible, i just donā€™t really think wisp is mafia

Giggles It is pretty funny admittedly. Canā€™t sleep as well.


I actuly agree with Millium here.

Sheā€™s Eliza. What did you expect?

How is this comment wolfy?

Not actually true.

Not entirely true since it gave us an idea of what was possible.

Certainly not impossible. Iā€™m thinking it might also be Millium/Marluna too. I hate how eager Marluna was to vote for you after your mason claim.

The way Millium is treating Kiiruma though feels like the way a wolf treats a villager they want to have the possibility of misexeing to me though.

Good night.

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Good night to everyone else too. :sleepingleafeon:

You can take this for what its worth but Achro did this same exact play on someone to get them mis axed after he died in a game we were scum together in MU

Not Voting (10): ElizaThePsycho, otterpopd, Kiiruma, Arctic, Rhea, Leafia, SultanOfSlam, Brakuren, Millium, Marluna

Why would SK!arctic kill me for a comment not calling them sk?

Well to be fair kiiruma as a player doesnā€™t tend to have the towniest isos as a whole, I donā€™t think there is anything that screams townie unless I back it up with data from their other games, the biggest difference between this game and last game is how they handle their votes, in cyber they felt more forced and this game I feel like they are just fine throwing votes, there progression early has a way better thoughts process than I ever saw in cyber

From the perspective of Mafia killing them, yes it does

I donā€™t really believe in twtbaw even if I use it sometimes, I think if u think someone made a wolf post then u should just take it is

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