Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

I still don’t particularly think arctic’s handling of the game state is townie and I’m not really sure I can put it into words, anyways I gotta head back to work, I’m trying to do what I can while I’m stuck at work since I won’t be out before eod


I would like to see move from you before EoD, I like your input.

Same goes for you @Rhea

But I think the we should be voting in sultan/Eliza/marluna/arctic, and never outside this

Veto Sultan and Arctic.

Eliza/Marluna is good tho

I don’t really agree but w/e
Anyways thanks for being the only person to actually dig through my iso

I’m not finished yet ;-;

Man Milli your read on me is so yo-yo
Im at marluna as my top option.

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Ya not having tmi is fun like that

I mean i get it ive been like that a bit to but even within the past 24 hours i think youve changed your mind like 5 times lol

Tbf they’ve been doing this stuff all game and I’ve been commenting and making fun of them for it

Millium’s macro makes like. Zero sense (judging by the few posts I’ve read)

Why Sultan?

I’m gonna vote in like an hour since I won’t have very much of an opportunity otherwise

This is weirdly the same as my poe
Why do you not want to kill marluna today

His un-knowledge of game mechanics + his tone has felt genuinely like he is trying to solve.

He isn’t W/W with Millium I don’t think (Read my ISO of Millium)

I have had him in town since like day 2, I might Re-Eval later, but today there is no point in re-evaluating considering I have some pretty strong wolf reads

gth marluna is still town and it kinda feels like everyone is converging on them now but i don’t know if i can actually back this up with anything

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I don’t hate a Marluna kill.
I just think that both Eliza and Sultan ping me moreso than Marluna has done.
Marluna’s kinda just there.

Unless reading Eliza ISO + Meta makes them guaranteed wolf, in 90% sure I’m voting Marluna here

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Please tell me why t!Marluna would vote me after I claimed Mason and one of their town reads was already voting me


like this is what i mean
sultan’s had marluna in his poe all day but has tried to kill everyone else and now marluna is his top option?? he literally hasn’t spoken about them once today

i don’t know whether this is more likely to be treatment of a villager or a partner all i know is that it’s wolfy either way

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