Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

Thank you for showing a picture of you at EoD

how accurate are your reads normally

What the fuck

Well I had 70% Accuracy in the Classical Music Mash

talks about policying people for voting outside Poe
immediately votes outside poe

iā€™m just curious because i canā€™t see how voting whoever annoys you or points out your shit will ever be conducive to voting out wolves

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He was in my PoE it doesnā€™t matter

Not more than THIRTY MINUTES

So your Poe is definitive
Got it

And everyone elseā€™s is irrelevant and they should be killed for voting people they scumread

You have done nothing other then antagonize people with reads different from yours

Either way village needs to unite we have 3 hours before eod

Wanting to do something, doesnā€™t mean I am telling others that they should do something.

You literally pulled a LAMIST

There is no way you donā€™t know you are acting Wolfy AF rn

Iā€™ve tried explaining with logic and reasoning why sultan and kiiruma are mafia like 5 times but everyone has elected to ignore that and instead kill marluna or eliza for basically doing nothing. But I can only do so much civilly when people donā€™t engage with me on it

To quote saul goodman, ā€œsome people are immune to good adviceā€

some people = the majority of villagers in this game

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Please be here for EoD

Iā€™m always here for eod, Iā€™ll sneak out if need be

Should be here yupp

This reads like TMI that you thought Achro had TMI.

And also sounds like you think im town :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:

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Jesus Christ.

I am somewhat exhausted with this game. Forgive me for not being as thorough as I should. I will do my best to sort through things and find the best vote by the end of the day.