Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

Actually to compare my wagon with yours, we both have two people who have basically done nothing this game on us. They’re just different people.

And they’re certainly not all scum. If you are town, I’d bet both of our wagons have exactly one scum on them.


Tbh this game feels like a mistake lol

Thats what i am also thinking tbh.

This game so far has just been like a huge WHY.

Yep. I had no time at all to recover from the previous game, though I could see it being the same case for you. When you had Champs going you were a dead duck in the gamefaqs game we had running around the same time.

This is very true.
In a way i felt obligated to play on gamefaqs as i feel like im the secretary of GameFAQs and knew i shouldn’t have been playing lol

tbh, I’m not even sure why u are a wagon
Im not even sure specifically why Eliza is voting here? They accused me of wolf theater with Sultan which im not even aware of what the basis of that read is.

Ottorpop hasn’t really done anything and neither has bionic in my opinion

i have a problem so i just keep joining games lol

can u go into more detail in regards to your read on me and sultan?

I’m a wagon because Kiiruma RVS voted me then like a full day later called me scum in a readslist without giving any reason (there have been too many readslists without reasons flying around this game, it feels unnatural), and I drew aggro off of Rhea from Bionic and SDA by calling out how bad their votes on Rhea were.

Bionic has openly admitted he isn’t even trying to play the game, but voted me for being first to call him out on it. Feels like something someone petty would do, not like something scum would do. I already stated earlier I think there’s a high chance he’s a VT who just does not care about the game.

Lmao sultan what the fuck

Are you ok

Mafia takes a psychological toll on me to play. I usually take at least weeks after a game before joining another.

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Crescent (3): Kiiruma, SirDerpsAlot, Bionic
SultanOfSlam (3): otterpopd, Millium, ElizaThePsycho

Noting for later

Meanwhile me, habitually in 3-4 games at once:

I wouldn’t last through day 1.

just do 1 Sr and stick too it then slank smh

When i am relatively healthy my cognitive function is pretty good


How long have you beem playing mafia for

since 2015

Im good.

Playing mafia is a safe way for me to psychologically force myself out of my bubble. Most people I know outside of it would not recognize me as the same person if they saw me playing it.

But there’s a limit to how much one can push themselves that way before their brain starts to recoil.