Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

On a second note, I really dislike what Dec is doing…

He was here, but he really wasn’t.

His Iso is like watching someone else reading a book, you want to read…

I hate them lol

Also I don’t think anyone would do this as a wolf, since he can just ask his teammates if anything tp note happened.

What about Hazard’s and Leafia take on Bionic? (Both of them was a few post prior)

Someone’s ISO is way better than Dec’s
He at least try to engage with the thread with all of his posts so far.

Its not worth the attention for now, I attest to this.

Zug’s ISO on itself feels very tunnely.
(First on Derp later on Bionic)

He still has good arguments.

I thought I’m alone…

it doesn’t change much.
I’m going back ISO driving while there is a silence here.

In general, slankers isnt worth my attention regardless of alignment at start of game.

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this is why i loved aussie hours with mag. they were really good at covering for this silent period with me

I see where are you coming from, and I agree with this sentiment.

I am just doing it this way because I can be called anytime, and I might not have enough time to drive through a high-posters ISO, while there is silence in the thread.

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surely i could be able to play mafia during work. teach the kids how to play. ask them to solve games for me. cant go wrong full proof plan

Mafia started as an experiment.
It is never to early to learn about social deduction.
(Just make sure it won’t have long-lasting effects)


yeah i can say its game theory or it has something to do with chemistry

i mean my math teacher for grade 9 taught me how to count cards in blackjack

literally because he was retiring at the end of the year and thought it would be funny

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What happened with Mag?
I wasn’t here in the last few months, and as far as I remember he was still active few months ago.

Nah sorry. Context. Last time this set up was ran me and mag did “aussie hour” which basically was around this time when it was only us too talking about game state cause everyone else was asleep or at work.

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I remember that game.
That was the game with the word finder, right?