Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

I made maybe 1 read during D1, and I doubt I was super towny today, but I still not seen anyone else voting on me.

He makes that post a minute after voting you in response to two people immediately voicing suspicion over it. Itā€™s obviously related.

Itā€™s not fully vanilla, its has power roles, plus some vanilla games can be fun

Someone asked him about something and he replied he was reading walls, the vote on me was clearly self pres as im the highest wagon and you suggesting otherwise is being intentionally obtuse ATP

No it wasnā€™t.
It was a reaction for my ISO-drive on Rhea.

Oh is it beacuse i voted derps earlier?

I just voted them and went to check and reply to my pings, those arenā€™t related

My point when I say between Zug, Bionic and Eliza may contain a hit is not meant to be today but for tomorrow. I have made #1248 and done some ISO-diving, yes Bionic is the weakest on three as well. However I intend to see them cooking some raw meat into a refined stew of reads.

Yeah but the poweroles arent known early on making the game almost fully vanilla to start, had you considered that pre applying or was that just something that hadnt occured

and just to follow up on the second part, did you have any intentions on increasing your social reading ability or was it just enough to interest you based on the setup?

If I have one issue with Zug, itā€™s that I remember virtually nothing heā€™s done all day. Eliza has been noted as doing next to nothing and I still find her more memorable today.

Iā€™ve played a good chunk of vanilla games, my skills havenā€™t been increasing i think, i just play for fun, of course i do try to put effort and win, Iā€™ve won a good amount of games as town before

Although i do have very little mafia wins, but thatā€™s beacuse i rarely roll evil which i donā€™t enjoy playing

Zug has at least twice as much contrubation than Eliza, if not more.
You pro ably remember him less cause your timezone crossing him less than Elizaā€™s.
And thatā€™s not Zugā€™s fault.

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Is Zug Aussie?

I know this because I ISOed both of them.

I donā€™t know.

Just checked this on the records of where i mostly play vanilla, 9 town wins and 1 anti-town win

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Itā€™s true though that Iā€™ve only interacted with him once the entire day. He was part of a hydra last game I interacted with frequently, but I donā€™t know if it was him or the other part of the hydra.

Of how many?

Its 100% self prez basically beacuse whenci akded them ladt night about Derps theybsaid ā€œthey look normal, though the self vote was weirdā€