Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

No idea they didn’t count games played, but if i had to guess its 25-35

I think you should primarily be playing for fun, its a game after all, whats the point if you dont have fun!

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Who actually has fun playing mafia

raise hand I usually have fun as any of the 3 main alligment.

What multiple people seem to be saying is they were just unrelated fluff posts that I considered related.

I guess I could’ve jumped the gun.

This is actually where I take my biggest issue against players who go out of their way to be assholes/policy players with slightly more polarizing playstyles or weaker players. Just because you dislike or disagree with the core way a player approaches the game, dosent give you the right to be an ass. if you genuinely cant handle people playing a game with a different approach than you, maybe a social deduction game based of socializing and deducing different people with different playstyles isnt the game for you

anyways sorry about the rant just something I feel strongly about

And if Psy had ever made a single genuine attempt at “social deduction” in the 3 full days he was alive…

As for alligments other as the main 3…
It really dependsonthe wincon,andif people are aware of the possibility of other possibilities. (For the record I regard as Nk and other neutrals as different alligments.)

Psy had never played FM before and half (little exacerbation here) the threads immediately just shat on him incessantly

tell me what fucking world thats supposed to encourage someone to play harder? How the fuck do you expect someone to change and or learn how to play the game if thats the environment you present tot hem? Does being insulted make you feel more welcome and motivated?

He brought it on himself by excessively trolling the game from the start.

And don’t act like it’s just me. Several of us saw through it.

I dont really care what you thought of how they played, being a dick to someone about how they play is absolutley never productive and you should feel bad about it.

I’d still vig him on sight with no hesitation if given the chance.

I can only imagine why you dont have fun playing mafia

They aren’t really though, I mean they argued frustration towards ur play, but they have had a town lean on you for a long while. This response feels disingenuous. Two of the people u have voted for includes one vote because walls come off as robotic which I guess is fair because sometimes they give this vibe, but I don’t think u have even attempted to break it down, and crescent because they don’t like how ur playing, even though they have been town reading you.


What Psy exactly done to gain this much hatred?

Anyway, this is not the time for this kind of discussion. Day ends soonish.

thats fine feel free to vig who you want, and a valid vig in all honesty, dosent change the fact that treating someone like an asshole for the way they play in always a dick move, magnified many times when that player is new to the game.

Almost every single one of his posts was meant to troll the game instead of play it.

“troll the game”? how tf can you do that

Right, you know how that end up on Cyberiad Overhaul.