Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

The biggest mistake town made in that game was letting him live day 1.

Its actually kind of ironic that from all of Crescents complaining about players making the game unfun has actually made the one of the few people iv actively disliked playing with

I feel like this conversation has been had over and over, to each their own, I don’t think crescent treated Psy unfairly, and they absolutely had experience. The argument is their approach because even if their forum experience was limited their approach did nobody favors.

Anyways I’m fine with these wagons

I don’t care about them making it fun or not, I care about them actually trying to play the game.

what part of I know them in real life and theyve never played FM do you not understand?

Yep. I’m going to have lunch and pull myself out of this cesspool of a distraction.

(And seriously don’t engage it’s not worth it)

Id argue Crescents handling of it hurt the gamestate more than Psy, and that you almost certainly would have gotten more out of him had he not just been treated like shit

VOTE: Achro

Are we talking about another game?

Were talking about the game with Psyaru

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which one is that

I think defending the LHF who is the 2nd vote is very townie

The cyberaid one

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I don’t have much time, so I’d rather not get eaten by this comvo, did they or did they not have experience with the game of Mafia, regardless of it was forum experience, maybe I’m projecting because my approach in my first game was absolutely trying to solve and understand

oh I died d1 that game so i didnt read more then that

Who are you referring to?

they had some TOL experience which lets be real s fully just people fucking around and arguably a fully different game from a closed setup rolemadness FM game

Even if that was the case, what about ur approach? You made is frustratingly hard to read kikruma naturally, u town locked them for no good reason, and u seem to be doing it again with achro, what’s ur read on achro currently?

Imagine I invited you to come play a new game that has similar rules to one youve played before but I didnt tell you what was actually different, when you come over to play you make a mistake on your first turn and in turn I curse you out for 30 min and tell you that youre just trolling and dont care

does this make you then want to put work into figuring out the game or are you just going to say you know what fuck you, youre a dick im leaving