Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

Sorry too much of ashs story doesnt make sense to me i think theyre just mafia

thereā€™s just a shmillion ways for a nightkill not to happen in closed rolemadness

donā€™t stress it

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I thought kii town coz pushing IC hippo kinda wild

I mean thats why weā€™re townreading bean right

yes but by doing it heā€™s indirectly rolefishing by getting whatever actually stopped the kill to claim to stop hippo being misvoted over it

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Oh okay kii mafia then thats what i meant


I mean jarek definately town from this i feel so thats good


this anticlaim is rlly weird

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whatever ash/luxy/atlas is minimum 2 mafia maybe just all 3

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there could be a doctor or jk

i dont rlly know whats going on tho

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Ftr I think ash handled today like a town with info they felt needed outing would

Their claim is just whack af


If we are killing ash anyway maybe kill him before atlas and luxy so mafia doesnt drain an anti claim point from him if hes town

I do think ash is town tho

So like

Either lock town ash

Or chop ash now, asap, dont let him be drained for a point

i wish it could only target the people who claimed cuz then people in the poe could claim pretty freely but in this game if ppl in the poe claim wolves can use the kill they get on someone else lol


i disagree because if heā€™s still alive when only 1 wolf is left we are able to use him to generate clears (even if he is mafia)

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Actually no coz leaving mafia alive is also bad


Chop the scummiest ppl

kill mafia machine go brrr this is the way

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Donā€™t sleepwalk into killing Ash because you donā€™t want to think about his claim you clowns

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If heā€™s scum, explain:

  • Whether or not he has this role
  • Why heā€™s claiming it like this
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ftr I think the easiest way for this game to go off the rails is flipping ash today and them being town

now I am a biased individual that thinks my reads are right

but still


I think heā€™s probably town! I donā€™t think scum ever think of this claim and claim it believing itā€™ll help him

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yeah i mean ashā€™s alignment doesnā€™t really change that atlas is obviously mafia to me

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