Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

Please tell me what I assumed

You literally are agreeing with me and presenting it as an objection

My point here is dont do it at all

Your assumption is that their postcount and alignment have something to do with each other thr moment you start compiling data for it

Im telling u to stop

If you know it’s BS then why present it at all?

the scientific method is to think of a hypothesis. the hypothesis can either be in support or against support

nice v/v pushes

Because people generally try to informally sort people by post count without doing any math (going “Ash is lowposting he might just be a wolf lol”) and if you can provide definitive evidence that those two things are not one-to-one correlated then people will be more hesitant to do that

Dont think thats what you did tho at least with the “okay if you remove this you miiiight be able to squint hard enough”

I think you’re just opening up more cans of worms, if you wanted to dissuade people from sbpc i dont think you achieved that

Just be like me and get super angry any time post count is mentioned :3

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Anyway not productive discussion this can move to game theory, whats out there is out there

Conclusion: Ash get in here so we can read ya

i gave everyone in the game an emoji

Leafia :herb:
beancat :crab:
May :comet:
Luxy :penguin:
Illwei :trumpet:
Frostwolf103 :moyai:
Apprentice :whale:
Jarek :snowman_with_snow:
Kiiruma :sandwich:
Arctic :giraffe:
bystander :crocodile:
pandora :ghost:
sulit :butter:
Ash :frogge:
Anonymoose :game_die:
tutuu :potted_plant:
Atlas :building_construction:

I thought about this deeply


I literally stated immediately afterward why that was not good evidence! Do you think I am stupid enough to provide multiple damning points against my own case and then go “yeah lol it’s fine”. I did htat because I thought people would look at the postcount list and squint, and I wanted to demonstrate that it still didn’t hold up under that. Virtuous IV was clearly an outlier. Can you, like, believe me when I say what I meant? What motive would I ever have to lie about this as wolf?

If people look at my post and take it as a reason to SBPC then their reading comprehension is insufficient to be playing mafia effectively at all so I don’t really care what I may inadvertently induce them to do

I find the fact that you do this frustrating and I think it makes you dismiss legitimate pieces of evidence

Yeah sure

i think itd be really funny if i just said goodnight after that

but I wanna post a read list

I should have ordered my posts better




early readlist, subject to change once people post more

willing to pull out of POE for now -

less confident but leaning town



I will focus my efforts in these people tmrw mostly I wanna get a more confident read


Binge-watching Game of Thrones with my dad at the moment, but I’ll get one to you as soon as possible.
Preliminary one is that you and Leafia are town, town leans are Luxy and Tutuu. Will figure everyone else out when I draft everything up.


goodnight thread :blush: :heart:


My ash read is a townread

Hippo was a semi-outed alt, and when it comes to impacting the game i think its okay to out the identity. Being frustrated that your alt is outed is understandable, but being an alt in a mafia game can impact reads, can hide meta, can spew reactions. It can impact the game we’re all playing in. And while Hippo is a player in this game, so am I, and id argue I also have the right to play as hard as i can to my win condition, which can include revealing an alt for the sake of letting people take advantage of their meta. Its not fun for me to hold myself back from trying to win

The only time i think its shitty for an alt to be revealed is when a mod uses their mod powes to reveal an alt. But since im not a mod, if i managed to obtain info thats its hippo, he was sloppy with hiding his identity, and he’s free to make another alt