Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

Mmmm well it wasn’t intended that way but I guess I was just being intense

im not following u here

…how could it not be about tutuu if its tutuu’s post

i just didn’t like the opener dawg it just pinged me

thats not an answer

do you think telling him that you want to see what he does next is going to help you get good/natural observations? hypocritical of me somewhat given what i said about your postcounts earlier (lmao) but still. it felt like a drama performance of sorts. like you want to be seen as watching the game and applying pressure like a good villager

and its also irrelevant now since you brought it up

why is tutuu doing it locktown but jarek doing it lockwolf

that would be because two people called me suspicious so I figured i was doing something wrong

it has nothing to with tutu

I just didn’t like that he copied tutus opener lol

you’re making no sense and this feels like a very weird push atlas

I think Jarek’s town actually and Atlas is mafia. Atlas’ line of questioning on Jarek vote seems unpaired.


So we are back to only a quarter of the way there sadly.

idk how I could explain this anymore clearly lol

The content of the opener itself was fine

Jarek copying it for an opening pinged me

Leafia also voted Atlas for their first post which was a pretty NAI post and then dipped so if Atlas is mafia Leafia may have TMI’d them mafia.

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my point was that that lead back to tutuu, which explains why i stated “you’ve only talked about tutuu”
now i’m trying to ask why jarek copying the opener was suspicious

huh… so you’re basically agreeing with me that you wanted to look good/attentive here… i dunno what to make of this. i guess you can do that as town from memory but generally speaking at this stage of the game that’s more of a wolf trait. i just dunno why a villager really adds that last part if they actually wanted to get a natural response from tutuu- you’re basically throwing the opportunity away for any useful read by telling him you wanted to see his reaction lol

why wouldn’t I say it
it a. makes it look horrible if i dont and b. doesnt change the fact hes going to react. i phrased it in a specific way to use as a callback later if he misses it aswell

VOTE: Atlas
does not pass the vibecheck

There might be enough of us online to hammer? I’m bored of d1 let’s skip to d2.


Fair enough