Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

Ur just avoiding my scrutiny!!

nah am joking i forgot all the dst characters tho

achro: wolfgang
leafia: wes
garfooled: wilson


Now that’s just a lie!

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as soon as I said that i remembered the dst characters

if you mentioned arctic it’d be wanda cuz of that one breaking bad game

Achro is wolfgang frfr
Hmm I see… Wes? But Wes is best!
Wilson really? Now ur just marinating me

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I wonder what u mean by Leafia being Wes lol xd

Ok but urself and Magnus?

Hmm but I’d classify Leafia as Wigfrid
A loud performer

I’m not the one getting executed here and I have a feeling Achro will get why too.

Please stop with the outed wolf BS. You never do that as town.

The only one steamrolled here is you.

We never kill me first and I think everyone will agree with me by the end of D1.

Finally someone sees it. I’m going to treat this as NAI considering her last post wanted to kill me D1 though.

This from the person that says there’s a very large chance I flip town here. Eliza gets a scumlean from me. It just sounds so weird.

And Achro is conveniently ignoring all the differences because they don’t fit the worldview that he wants everyone to have. I never go after strong players as scum and everyone who knows me well knows that very well.

Maybe because I’m the best? Got to go now though. RL calls. :sleepingleafeon:

Wes also canonically has souls in his balloons

Why do you believe someone townreading you or scumreading you is alignment indicative?

Also Eliza, are u saying that I have a majestic beard?

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Distancing is a possibility

That depends. Do you have a majestic beard?

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Would you believe me if I told you that claiming a power role is lowkey scum indicative of Leafia, especially in conjunction with her earlier play?

I think Eliza is implying that if I had one, it’d be majestic

why am I wasting my posts on dst characters?

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Anyway with less than 24 hours to go, let’s have a review of the gamestate in my head because it’s either that or play Final Fantasy VIII.

I will be talking about every player except Leafia here, because I feel like I have been abundantly clear there. Also I am worried people might be confused if I hide things so I won’t, sorry for the scroll of this post lol.


I believe the way that Garfooled has handled Leafia and myself to be extremely towny. I think regardless of what you have as Leafia’s alignment Garfooled chose the path of most resistance by calling me out on things they think are outliers in my version of events. I think by the time Garfooled challenged me on thins it was fairly obvious that Leafia had a nuclear amount of heat on them but Garfooled not only resisted this tide, but went through old games to do so with examples that feel genuine and solving. Even now the fact that he is still actively solving the slot is an excellent sign that they are uninformed and trying to progress through things.

Quick notes from Garfooled’s ISO

So like I hated this

And this

But then when we get to get things like

This comes off as genuine

And this in particular comes off as convicted. Like ‘Aha! I’ve caught you!”

And this post comes off remarkably honest as well.

And this has continued into this afternoon where Garfooled is challenging me a lot which if you have suspicions on someone you should do that, and he’s doing it with citations of previous games and with gusto. So yeah I just think this slot is always town.


I liked her early game a lot, asking immediately why she was ‘only’ third on my list (actually reading my post is huge tbh I appreciate it) and challenging my thoughts on things from the get go. Also I appreciate the fact that she understood the setup better than I did in post 55 lol. I just think every part of Marluna’s early game challenge of me was good and to the point, so let’s dig into that.

As Proph pointed out this is a very unusual thought to come from a wolf, so I don’t think it does.

Engages with my early question and even directly disagrees with my own answer in an engaging way.

I like their reasoning for voting me here, I can understand not liking my read because it can come off hypocritical of me, but also I know I am town and know leafia’s meta fairly well so I don’t really mind being a bit omgusy at times if I feel it is prudent. Felt genuine though.

I like the fact that she mentioned that half the topic up to that point had been me versus leafia, because when I looked it turned out that this was actually true and a fair point.

I just think all of these come from a town mindset and hope to see more from Marluna before the day ends.


I think Zenon is town for the incredibly casual dismissal of Leafia’s existence that she has given this game. I was a little worried about Zenon when she didn’t come in screaming rule of 3 rule of 3 about Leafia’s early wagon only for me to realize that she considered Leafia so outed that it wasn’t worth the post to say it, and this is a woman who has multiple posts of nothing but reaction gifs. Incredibly based. But also I don’t think wolf Zenon covers for Eliza there because Eliza is very classically a great mislynch candidate and if Zenon is a wolf shutting down that avenue so bluntly runs the risk of backfiring pretty easily. Also I tend to town read people who outpace the thread post count wise on whimsy which she has done here.

Everyone agrees with my Marluna takes, incredibly based tbh. Except Leafia. Leafia didn’t agree with my Marluna read. Makes you think!

I think this comes from exactly town Zenon though ngl. Comparing me to Mac in this way just comes off so incredibly genuine lol. But no really I did believe all of my reads even if I am willing to go back and re-evaluate.

Disses my reads but makes sure to drop in and say

‘Oh yeah except the leafia one, that one is good’


Hard for me to ever imagine wolf Zenon going to bat for Eliza here when a) it was taking attention away from Leafia and b) Eliza is an excellent mislynch candidate due to her evil slacking ways. This type of defense of LHF is out of my town playbook and thus, again, based.

Look at this proud mother hen, won’t even let Eliza field questions for herself. A proud town mother hen.

Speaking of which now that I tr garfooled I will have to take more seriously Zenon’s suggestion that Hippo’s lawyer act from Leafia is VILLAINOUS WOLVES PLOTTING TOGETHER.

But yeah all in all very towny, very chill, I haven’t seen her wolf game so maybe it’s terrifying but I doubt it at this point. Just make sure she keeps having good points.


I thought they were a tiny bit self aware to start but since they have come back to their usual spot in my heart as blindingly obvious town. I fear for the day that Hazard is going to bamboozle me and take an endless amounts of glory.

I thought this was too self aware but upon reflection I think Hazard was just being honest. Also I admit I thought Zenon and Hazard soft claimed mason buddies together so I let them go but now I realize Neon was taking mason buddy applications and Hazard just happened to accept. Okay so maybe I have to dig into this iso a little bit more because the above paragraph was just cover for the fact that I figured they were masons together oops.

Based town list though.

I will say if Hazard is a wolf he is really good at faking his beautiful town persona, and I have no context for a wolf Hazard so that’s my only hesitation here.

True and based take from Hazard.

Pretty good meta read on Kiiruma which I think I agree with atm. I guess it’s possible but they are w/w playing around each other but it doesn’t feel like it.

Based scum reads tbh. @Garfooled what do you think of the fact that Hazard views leafia as very not calm while you think she has been pretty calm?


It really does help that I think I own Mr.L’s scum soul, but I have found them remarkably agreeable and sharp this day one.

If Leafia flips wolf it is hard for me to imagine Mr.L throws Leafia over a bridge this early as their first act in the community.

This is in line with how Mr.L would treat me on gamefaqs as town. He goes to the school of thought that when possible just believe in Achro and all dreams come true. I usually catch Ben when he tries to shy away from this when I go after a buddy so if leafia is wolf and he is leaning into this here that’s pretty impressive turnaround for Mr.L’s scum game.

Mr.L’s got a good read on me and a fair read on the other three GameFAQs people here.

I have seen absolutely nothing that makes me worry that Mr.L is a wolf this game tbh. I guess I would say be careful as the player behind this slot is very good but I think I can read them extremely well so as long as he keeps making good points let him cook.


It would surprise me if Proph made his opening about me were he a wolf. I feel as if Proph would have enough experience with me to know the best way to get me to misclear you if I have experience with you is to play around me differently and not just point right at me and go ‘You there, I need to solve you!’

I also have never mason buddied a wolf day 1 which is more of a fun fact than a solving mechanism but I still like it.

I like that we agreed early on Marluna being town, mindmelds I tend to treat favorably.

Somthing to keep an eye on for Proph/Silut dynamics to see how Proph goes about solving her.

I like the due diligence from Prph if Leafia is a wolf here. It’s such a dorky (I don’t mean this as an insult) thing to say ‘I hope she’s town because otherwise she’s polarized.’ I am pretty certain wolf Proph would be terrified about makin such a silly remark while voting someone.

Drops a lore bomb on top of Leafia’s head. This is, like, obviously unpaired imo.

I feel like this is a towny approach as well, I just don’t have any patience.

I will say though this post mildly pings me on the ‘fantastic wolf player’ radar as a potential bus. I remember reading champs last year and one of the things I discussed was intentionality with regards to bussing. The thing that pings me here is Proph’s need to go “no no, that’s not the reason I scum read leafia, I have my own unique reasons.” Just a bit of paranoia but the reason why Proph isn’t my top town read because some paranoia is there in regards to how they move around Leafia.

Other than that bit of paranoia though I feel like Proph has been majorly solving and building a robust world that I find agreeable. He is, of course, an excellent player but aside from a minor twing I am not suspicious of any of their actions today.

These are my top town reads atm although Hazard got so high because I misunderstood mason context. He’s still fine but I don’t feel like editing the format.

I still need to discuss the following:


Color scale goes deep green to light green to FIND OUT OTHER COLORS LATER ty bye