Tales of the Abyss - Town Victory!

Btw if you do unvote and vote in the same post, it just counts the unvote.

Okay, well I screwed up in literally forgetting that you town leaned IGCD, so can we agree to disagree here

Iā€™m willing to sheep you on him being town since you have much more exp with them than me

Proph enjoy your suspicion after I am dead, this isnt a great look lmao

but seriously everyone dont be too mean to proph he is old now like me.

Kiiruma give me your top 17 town in alphabetical order please.

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Ah fair

Well Iā€™m all over the place right now Iā€™m sorry

I guess Iā€™ll have to hydra with Leafia next game. But yes, she does have fairly distinctive tells. When she manages to get through the first day without suspicion, she usually tends to do quite well.

Vote didnā€™t work.

It is a bit unfair tbh

I have a note after need for speed that if I ever want to kill leafia I just kill leafia

I stuck to it today

@IfGodCouldDie you dont need to unvote on this site fyi.

when placing a new vote anyway

This is a scummy vote.

Then why arenā€™t you against it now?


Wolves having an easy day today is 100% on you and preflipping me wolf. Theyā€™ve f ed lt absolutely no pressure as a result.

Yeah. I always die N1 here.

This is factually untrue and you know it. I did bring one. May.

And yet youā€™re voting for me. I wonder why?

VOTE: Magnus

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I love you leafia lol

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Nothing has changed since this moment. I have not voted you.

Thatā€™s fine

Nothing like old times like me sticking my foot into my mouth

Why are you voting Magnus instead over IGCD?

Anyway town probably has a lot of strong solvers so let them cook and parse those who havent contributed much. Its a good strategy. Give top posters room to breathe and see if we keep killing wolves.


Firstly, I was catching up in order and responded to this when I saw it, but it doesnt take away from the fact that it sparked that kind of reaction from me. I see your explanation now for the Leafia read. Iā€™d like some reasoning for ranking May so high. What have they done to get this high on your list? Why is Achro so low?


Leafia (7): Mr.L, Prophylaxis, Achromatic, Hippopablompoyeetus, Zenon, Marluna, IfGodCouldDie
sulit (2): SultanOfSlam, Frostwolf103
May (1): Hazardwaste
Achromatic (1): Lea
IfGodCouldDie (1): Kiiruma
Magnus (1): Leafia

Not Voting (5): Garfooled, ElizaThePsycho, Magnus, May, sulit

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I gues to me its like youā€™re trying to be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.

Also i see town eat tself alive by omgusing too much. Remember. Most people in this game if you are town are your ally. They are trying to solve you. So if you feel riled up take a breath and solve and explain yourself. Heated emotions only benefit scum.

Also get used to zenon not always explaining a read.

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