The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

I cant really mech solve when town lie

plus mod errors

Going to head out now for RL reasons. :sleepingleafeon:

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Hello, everybody.

Strangely enough, I find the immediate flavor claim here towny. It signifies Leafia was thinking about her flavor when she saw her rolecard, and was not distracted by anything else. I feel I would not take the time to notice my flavor if I were preoccupied with having rolled wolf, and it is not something that most people would think to use as a casual opener to thread, as it is not something that would typically get a player townread.

I also find this post towny. It is unafraid of being a little odd.

When we first played together, I was told by Zugzwang that saying “nya” causes the wolves to win. Perhaps this is a wolfy post. I do not genuinely believe that, though.

Such a thorough butchering of Zugzwang’s name suggests Leafia and Zugzwang are perhaps not partners.

It appears that Magnus and I agree on this point. Interesting.

This indicates a towny curiosity. Townread on Magnus.

This is mildly towny, as breaking up one’s usual posting order on purpose tends to get a player wolfread, but not excessively so. Zugzwang posted like this in the previous game where we played together, the Knight Errant. It could simply be an imitation of that game intended to avoid falling into a pattern similar to previous wolfgames.

Christ alive, this is wordy. I cannot decipher straightforward alignment information from that fact, but it indicates a certain type of mindset that is useful to note down.

Another conspicuous set of openers. I cannot townread every opener that has been made, but I do want to.

In particular, this appears to flow naturally as a mindset change from tutuu’s previous game in a way that I find towny. I did not see that game myself, so I cannot verify exactly how natural this is, but I will at least townlean tutuu for it.

I find this towny.

This is a very friendly set of opening posts. They constitute a conversation with tutuu, not a conversation with the game thread. I find this wolfy.

This entrance into talking about the game, rather than to tutuu, feels unnatural to me. Wolflean on Garfooled.

I feel like I cannot derive a read from these posts, which is what is exceptional about them.

This feels genuine.

This is an unusual post that I would like to wolfread at first glance. However, I was actually thinking that first thought myself on looking through the early posts. The second comment is more strange. If these came from a player I knew to be experienced, I would townread them for being something that would clearly be wolfread, but I do not know Garfooled.

I also cannot get a read from this post. It is safe and neutral. This is not towny. My wolflean on Garfooled is reinforced.

Pushing an easy way to read a given player, provided that meta holds, is towny, as it locks wolves out of certain options to push. It is less towny if the meta is strictly incorrect, but even still not completely so: wolves don’t want to be caught pushing lies once the player in question flips.

I agree with this post, and it primarily pushes townreads over wolfreads, which I appreciate. Still, I cannot find myself wanting to put jail much farther over null.

Feeling a pressure to note one’s contribution or lack thereof is somewhat wolfy. The comment about pushing to kill Magnus as a potential Leafia partner is somewhat towny, as it is extremely transparent about having an agenda. These are the thoughts one keeps to oneself as a wolf. However, it is possible Pandora just has a different mindset. I do not know her well enough to say.

A bold thing to push if tutuu is a wolf. This reinforces my townread on tutuu.

This is a wolfy post.

These posts show a towny argumentativeness from Magnus.

And these posts show a towny attention to detail from Zugzwang.

I feel as if I should be townreading this series of posts, but I can’t quite bring myself to do so. I will townlean them, though.

Someone’s posts so far have been solidly null.

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My current reads from catching up:

Magnus t
tutuu t
Zugzwang t
Leafia lt
jail lt
pandora n
Someone n
bystander lw
Garfooled lw

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I do not think bystander and Garfooled are likely partnered here, at least from the kind of wolfplay I would typically use in such a small game. When there are two wolves alive and a vigilante in play, you cannot afford to lose your partner on Day 1. Bystander essentially opens with an attack on Garfooled, and that attack is much more substantial than the majority of her posts.

My first game here was a two-wolf game where my partner was in much the same situation that Garfooled was here, and my first instinct was to attempt to dissipate those wolfreads. I do not know bystander’s personality. Perhaps she is not the same type of player as me. However, it would still be an unusual play to bus here.


Pandora’s posts are unusual in a way that typically draws attention, and her behavior here reminds me of the way she acted as town when we were masons in the Knight Errant game. I do not have any particular reason to wolfread it, and I do have a few reasons to form a townread.

However, I think it is dangerous to use meta without a complete picture of the player in question, and I do not know what pandora’s wolfgame looks like. It is possible that her casual nature and open willingness to give thoughts that looked like agenda are simply her personality, or a consequence of being tired. At this point in time, though, I still somewhat like what I have seen from pandora, and it is certainly a higher null than Someone is. My townreads form a fairly smooth gradient from Magnus to Someone, not so much artificially stratified tiers.

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Strangely enough, although I townread Zugzwang, I also think that he is one of the more likely wolves in the top half of my tier list. I cannot quite explain this phenomenon. I felt much the same in the Knight Errant game we played together, where he was town, so I do not think this is damning for him. Zugzwang is towny at the moment, but he is towny independent of his actual alignment. Strange.


yeah you’re probably right
i have no solid foundation on what I am saying
I was just generating content and not filtering what I said

Rhea, how would you advise people read you? I’m aware you can lie about this as wolf, though of course lies can be caught. Anyway, I’m unsure if the depth of your reads is helpful, given you had very detailed reads in Zone’s Testament, and your style of posting is fairly opaque to me.

they unvoted
what are you sheeping now?

real or fiction?

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you’re probably reading up Gar but I do very much want an answer here when you get to it

IT’S OUT??!!

just vibes
i was sleepy here
i was asked a question and I gave out how I felt on some ppl while reading

wow that’s interesting
I like pandora for this

are there specific posts that gave you those vibes?
also, for Leafia, are there any games with her where you have expressed similar sentiments (that you don’t like Leafia’s vibes, but you know that isn’t alignment indicative)

i was about as tired as tutuu
I remember quoting some leafia posts, trying to save as draft
it not working
and dropping it

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anyway, i was very much going off of vibes only on you
but people seem to like leafia?
i respect the townplay of the people that TR them
it feels weird SRing them now
but I will find those quotes later
I’m going to catch up on reading first
and I do have some things I gotta do in RL after

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Willing to give Rhea a townread for these thoughts on everyone. They feel really villagery after all.

Nothing. I just have my vote on someone I find wolfy now.

Real. I’m not as easy to read as people seem to think. I think it’s because I rand town so much that they forget what I’m capanle as as a wolf.

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