The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

And I have said it all before. You can check my post history to see a more detailed version.


I’m fully aware. You’ve had a more consistent review of Garfooled’s slot than any other player in this game.

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I was planning on leaving a legacy regardless. I would much prefer to not have to leave a legacy, is what I am saying.

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@Garfooled in what order would you place the players? In terms of townyness/scummyness

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I am torn between Zug and Magnus if it were to come to final 3
I don’t want it to be Magnus
Because the chances are I’ll go through Zug’s ISO and only see opportunism and agenda
Because of their uncertainty and at times tunnel on me
When they could just be town making reads
I don’t think I ever scumread you
I would say Rhea is at the bottom of my list


Rhea’s opening suspicion on Garfooled emphasises the question of their lackadaisical non-interference, which I agreed with at the time. Rhea was similarly suspicious of Bystander right off the bat and townread Leafia, Magnus, Zugzwang, Tutuu. While Rhea also suspected Pandora, Rhea did not start by confidently agreeing with that read.

Given that Garfooled had been receiving votes at the time, Rhea would be disincentivised to make this comment were Bystander their partner. Rhea essentially opened with an assault on these two players in particular; and heavily leaned on Bystander more than Garfooled even if Rhea focused on Jail’s slot first. Which was in of itself reasonable, PRs often play like evils because they have additional power.

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I popped in but truth be told I’m delaying RL things
I’ll see ya guys later :wave:


Just watching the thread and answering the ping, I can appreciate that.


As it may be useful, I will note that I made this comment about suspecting bystander being unproductive because she was not present at the time (if I recall correctly), as opposed to jail, who was, and I also did not think she would have alignment-indicative reactions to it. Her comments were always rather brief, I was frankly rather annoyed with her by then, and I suspected I would get into more of an argument than a useful discussion if I were to pursue her. No small part of that argument would be my own fault.

I decided it would be better for the game to avoid such an argument, and to simply come back and vote bystander by the end of the day rather than trying to pressure her for information at the time. The fact that I ultimately decided to vote Someone had to do more with simple opportunism in trying to move the wagons off players I felt were towny.



Bystander treated Garfooled differently - but Garfooled was also under pressure, and a potential D1 misexe if town.

Garfooled didn’t give a read on Bystander - they also interacted for a total of 2 posts. And Bystander did not have much content to be read on, so early.

While Bys’ push on Gar does show their wolf meta in distancing, it can also simply be a push to kill a likely misexe.

This case is not strong.

Also. Magnus, if town, has a lot of experience with Garfooled. Their read, while badly explained, is still very confident. Do you really have such faith in your own read there, that you place it above Magnus’ read?

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if it were possible
I would be tempted to suggest killing both Magnus and myself
I know this is not viable though, as if I die today, Magnus will never die in F3, and if Magnus were to die today and flip town, the same is true for me

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Huh? You want to get chopped? But you would never get chopped in F3 despite your wishes? :sweat_smile:

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I don’t want to be chopped, of course - but given that I see Magnus probably getting away, if I could just kill both of us now and lose if wrong - I would do it.

But obviously, there is no magic button for that; this isn’t Sorc17er. If Magnus died and flipped town - it would be gamethrowing to not defend myself in F3, regardless of previous reads or promises.

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on this - if T!Rhea is killed today, which seems likely, w!Magnus will nightkill tutuu, leaving Me/Gar/Magnus alive. It’s not decided who Gar will vote, but given Gar’s latest post:

it does look like it’d be more likely me.

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tutuu where are you at on Rhea vs Magnus
like what are your reads on them rn and why

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Not everything Magnus says makes sense to me but they’re still my second top townread after you. Your scumread on them is the only thing that’s making me halt, otherwise I’d just have them as lock town. I don’t think they’re the type to consent orchestrating in wolf chat that prolonged abrasive interaction between them and bystander. It’s possible bystander went solo agent and did it on her own, but I still kinda feel like Magnus is less likely to do something like that with a wolf teammate due to their personality

I think they could be wrong on their Gar townread which is making me feel uneasy, but I don’t feel uneasy about Magnus being wolf and running away with the game

I think they’ve been different in their past wolf games. More conservative, passive. Felt like tip-toeing

Rhea is my top scumread. I don’t think she’s an obvious wolf or egregiously scummy. I don’t expect W!Rhea to ever be egregiously scummy, she seems too good for that. I think she has the profile of a mastermind who has been playing us; who located and shot the Vig on n1. To me she just seems a wolf due to PoE and due to bystander interactions. She consistantly kept bystander as her biggest scumread afaik but I don’t remember her voting bys or pushing her or voicing concerns. The townreads on Gar that I’ve received from everyone - her, Zug, Mag are influencing me to place Gar as townier than Rhea. If it wasn’t for that I’d probably have Gar as the lowest due to just simple level 0 read that less effort = wolf. Admittedly it didn’t work for Someone and pandora but it worked for bystander

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w!Zugzwang can’t afford not to kill me tonight if he believes Garfooled would vote him anyway. Therefore, prepping a tinfoil against me when I’m town would be functionally unhelpful in that scenario. It would be to his benefit to instead just townlock me, kill me tonight, and rely on Tutuu’s assessment instead since that would be more favourable to him. Tutuu would question it but could ultimately be expected to side with voting Garfooled given earlier testimony. Ergo, Zugzwang being Mafia would be optimised to not do this.


Not Voting (5): tutuu, Garfooled, Magnus, Rhea, Zugzwang

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You’ve played only one wolfgame with Magnus, if memory serves. And different wolfgames require different strategies. Also, given this:

It appears that being brash and bold is the norm.

I can see it as W!Bystander getting genuinely annoyed at W!Magnus - even if they are partnered, Magnus’ argument can be taken as offense. I do agree though that Magnus doesn’t seem to be the type to intentionally make such an interaction.

I do find their interactions with Bys suspicious - but they have a decent enough answer to that here:


And there are these strange things that must happen in W!Rhea worlds:

The first two are not too big of a deal (though still notable), but the third still holds a lot of weight - especially since Rhea isn’t even trying to push Magnus, when the entire point of that kill would be to frame them. Yes, there’s the argument to save it for F3 - but that doesn’t matter if Rhea dies before F3.


I spectated the don’t starve game and I somewhat counted them wolfing in a botc game

Alright this is fair. I’m just like. There is no perfect suspect. Every time I think of a suspect I think of a convincing argument against it. So I’m just trying to go with the one that has the least … whats the word. The least. Requiring the least amount of chaos / ??? for them to be a wolf.

In my mind, every other person being wolf requires more stuff to have went ??? than Rhea

If Gar is the wolf she gave up on Day 1 and yet everyone has been simping and whiteknighting for her while she’s sitting there like “wtf”

If you are the wolf you decided that fooling us this game is the most important thing you will ever do in your life and you decided to put 100 times more effort than realistically needed and Magnus I think earlier had a decent argument that your actions as wolf don’t make sense

Magnus wolf … Okay I admit I actually can’t come up with a bigger WTF reason than Rhea wolf. It’s just my personal townread but it doesn’t seem to be thread consensus and there’s not like publicly agreed “evidence”. Huh

Is there really nothing “WTF” going on if Magnus is wolf? Was I imagining that?

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