The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

I guess no one is here for now.Poofs :sleepingleafeon:

…tell me how i was? also is this allowed lol?

i was busy IRL so i was similarly inactive in both games.

not alignment indicative.

i felt my flip would be useful
and the current wagons weren’t that good anyway
i was tring pandora
someone was just a shrug slot, gives no info

if i self-vote in this situation and then flip town
i think i’d hate that

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im not caught up yet
ill be around later to do that

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Yeah, Garfooled is probably a villager.

I would like to note before I catch up that, unlike most previous catch-up posts, I am writing this after having read through the thread. It has been a long day for me, and I wanted to sort through the posts before I left ahead of commenting on them. If any comments here are non-linear, that is why.

My general conclusions ahead of this post: this game is difficult. There is at least one evil who is currently generally townread, if not two. I do not currently have very strong conclusions about who it is, and I need to do some further reading before I will feel confident on it. This post will therefore mostly contain idle commentary and less conclusions and cases, but I figure it is still good to post something that will make my thought processes more transparent.

The way Magnus talks here sounds like strong agenda. My initial thought was to wolfread it, but this may be a situation like pandora yesterday, where this is the kind of thinking that a wolf would avoid showing. I cannot know this for certain, though, especially after I specifically brought up this logic both when townreading pandora and when comparing Magnus to their previous game. This is a post I have thought about a lot, and I ultimately cannot come up with a strong alignment read to get from it.

A player posting this about somebody who proceeds to get nightkilled can be somewhat town indicative for them, at least in certain cases. Wolves will generally nightkill somebody who they think is consensus town. Of course, this could just be w!Garfooled betraying that they think jail is consensus town, too, but I find that alternative argument slightly less convincing.

I don’t think I quite understand why a w!Magnus would post this. It doesn’t make a lot of sense as a post that aims to solve. It more comments on which wolfteams would be fun or interesting. I think this is a towny thought process. I came into this catch-up post expecting to have Magnus as a strong wolf candidate, but it seems that is not panning out.

This is interesting in the context of jail being promptly nightkilled. I am not quite sure what to think about it.

Another situation in which I would typically say a wolf is more cautious than to appear as if they have TMI. Again, I think Magnus’s play, and the general play in this game, is on the level where saying the last thing that a wolf would want to say (that they know Someone flips as a villager) is something that would be done, unfortunately, so I cannot confidently declare this town.

Zugzwang, what did you think about my comment toward tutuu regarding unpairing charts being unreliable?

I do not think this comment is town indicative from Zugzwang specifically.

I wish. I have historically left PR hunting to my teammates. I generally play more vanilla games, so it has been a while since I have done it.

This is an awkward post. In a w!Magnus world, it would serve to look distinctly partnered with me in the hopes that I would be executed next. In a t!Magnus world… I don’t quite know.

This is similar to the post above in potential readings.

I wish this post were town indicative, but from Zugzwang, probably not entirely. He is thoughtful.

Similarly, I cannot really find this response alignment-indicative from Magnus.

I like these thoughts.

I do not agree with this thought, but I like it.

I like these thoughts, as they generally track with my understanding of the game.

I was not thinking about who the Vigilante might be yesterday. I am not known for my ability to play around mechanics and power roles. I generally stick to more vanilla games. Here, I have played two fully mountainous games and a Knight Errant in which I made errors regarding the setup in my mason chat and even in public thread (even as I was frustrated at others for making similar errors, which was embarrassing).

If I had to guess in retrospect, jail’s indignant response to me when I suspected him could have read as a potential power role. I noticed how sensitive he was to pressure at the time, but I did not connect it with him being the Vigilante, as I simply neglected to think about it. Wolves who were actively hunting for the Vigilante may have noticed it. Jail was widely townread, but I believe the fact that he was killed over tutuu or Leafia probably indicates there was some aspect of PR hunting to the kill.

I townread Leafia because I liked her interactions with Garfooled and her reaction to my case on jail. They tracked with how I have known her as a villager in the past. As I previously mentioned, I was not thinking about who the Vigilante was yesterday, which was perhaps an oversight on my part, but I cannot lie to you.

I like this thought, as it indicates consideration of the game during the night phase. It is not unfakeable, but one has to go out of their way to fake it.

I like this thought, as it immediately raises problems with potential teams. Wolves like the game to look easier than it is.

This is transparency that I find mildly town indicative, but I know that Zugzwang knows that he would be hunting for the Vigilante as both alignments.

It has been said before and it will be said again: indignation at perceived insults to one’s skill level is generally something wolves keep to themselves.

bystander feels like she is trying to diffuse reads on herself. I can see this posting coming from a wolf.

I enjoy this game.

I will say that I expected more confidence from you on my alignment after your opening attitudes. And yet here you are, not wolfcasing me and not towncasing me. You are voting me because you townread everybody else. Resigned to leaving me in the PoE, are you? Some “self-proclaimed Rhea reader”.

Another case of what looks like obvious agenda. I have nothing more to say about it that I have not already said. From a lesser player, or among a lesser playerlist, it would be obvious town. In this environment, it is not.

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My current reads look roughly as follows:
tutuu t
Leafia t
Garfooled lt
Magnus n
Zugzwang n
bystander lw

Again, this game is not easy. Such is life.

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The clear next step is to look at potential wolfteams between the trio of Magnus/Zugzwang/bystander. If nothing feels right, then I will have to more carefully check the top of my read list. Unfortunately, as I have mentioned, it has been a long day, and I am not currently feeling up to the task. Perhaps later.

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I’m aware wolves will try to look unpaired - but I’m also not about to just discount unpairings. Wolves will also try to look towny - but obviously I’m not going to stop doing reads.
So, I’m attempting to be careful, and I review the reasons I’ve unpaired people to see if they still feel as strong as I thought (I now find tutuu/Bys and Magnus/Gar to be a bit weaker than previously).

That is entirely fair. I do not discount partnership reads in general, as you can tell by the fact that I have announced intent to perform them. My issue is that I find that a chart of every player in the game causes players to try to make too many partnership reads at once, causing them to make bad reads out of a sense of obligation, and to rely too heavily on unpairing reads over other methods of determining players’ alignments.

I believe the best pairing or unpairing reads will come more naturally and will not be available for every single potential partnership in the game. Players will often only interact with each other once or twice in a given game, and there simply isn’t enough content to make a definite judgement for every potential set. So long as you are careful and know the limits of your own methodology, it is fine to use such a chart. I do not believe your usage of it has been excessive this game, especially in a smaller environment where most players have interacted with each other. I would just like to caution players ahead of time to ensure their play does not become too myopic over a new trend.

I’m sorry :sob::sob::sob: I don’t know what to do

If you are town I can’t find Bystander’s partner

I am not upset at you, mostly just amused that you backed down from your confident start. It is a compliment to my wolf play that you believe you cannot find my alignment.

That being said, I do not believe I am genuinely impossible to find as town. However, given the attitudes that have been expressed, I am not sure there is much I could do to make most of the players here townread me, short of pelting a wolf. I suppose I will just have to do my best there.

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I get the impression you don’t want to townread me.

Thinking back to yesterday - you townread Magnus off of a meta comparison to Don’t Starve Anonymous, but did not read me off meta, despite that being very viable.
You’ve seen me wolf in Zone’s Testament, where you had a much greater window into how I play, and a bit as town in Knight Errant as well. Yes, tone wasn’t relevant yesterday, since I was changing it, but there are plenty of ways to read people, other than tone. And you saw how much I struggled to fake reads when we wolfed together.
I don’t believe you’ve seen the recent BOTF, but if you had spectated or looked through it, I also believe you would find me from that. Magnus has.

And today:

This post, in particular, exemplifies your attitude here. First - you say “I wish this post were town indicative”, which implies that it is in fact null, or close to null. But then you say “probably not entirely” - which means that it is, in some part, towny. If you felt it was only negligibly towny, I do not believe one would use the wording “probably not entirely” - so you find it to be towny in some meaningful amount.

So, you’re trying to paint it as null, despite finding it towny.

And “He is thoughtful” is quite silly. Yes, I am thoughtful. No, that does not give me the ability to fake everything.

I did townread you yesterday. Unfortunately, I also townread nearly every other living player in the game. These things I brought up are all things I would find towny under normal circumstances, hence why I commented on them as such, but I cannot find two wolves if I hold my standards as they have been. Of the remaining players, you are one of the ones I find most thoughtful and skilled, and therefore most capable of faking these posts.

Because of the environment of this game, where I know for certain there is a wolf I am townreading, I have to come up with alternative explanations for every post I find towny. I have done this for every player. You can see it especially with Magnus. I am the most verbal about doubting you because you are the player here that others are most likely to accept naively as town: you saw tutuu’s confidence. I thought that confidence was unwarranted.

I have seen a small sample of your play. You showed a lot of drive and ability to improve in those games, and I know you have the capability to play as you have as a wolf. Normally, I would not hold this against you as strongly as I have. I gave you credit for your towny posts yesterday. However, everything is relative. This game is just not one where I can afford to underestimate anybody.

Understand that, from my perspective, the consensus PoE is clearly incorrect. It is me and one other player. I am hunting for an unwarranted townread. My posts will reflect that.

Please do not refer to ongoing games for reasons of maintaining integrity, even ones where the subject matter is deceased.

Thank you.

I already got the same message from Chloe in a PM. Sorry about that. Going to go on timeout to play Rodent Warriors on my Switch now. Will be back before EoD though. :sleepingleafeon:

bystander posts

I have difficulty reading bystander, and looking through her behavior I can’t find anything that I can sincerely call a wolftell. This is not the most proactive wolfread in the world. It feels slightly difficult to pair her with Magnus from her end, though not impossible, and certainly not out of the range of intentional efforts to unpair two players. I will have to check from Magnus’s side as well.

bystander taking the easier route of pairing me and Garfooled is something I find wolfy, but I struggle to determine what I would see from a t!bystander that would help me more strongly townread her. From my perspective, the easiest team to make is bystander/Magnus, as it does not require me upending my expectations of any given player. In a difficult game, though, upending expectations is often necessary, and that feels like a lazy answer to settle on.

If I am to find wolves outside of the bystander/Magnus/Zugzwang trio, that means a player is overperforming my estimation of them.

Leafia has had so many casually, subtly towny moments, and crucially, she does not read like a player who is currently playing her heart out. It is the fact that she has been on the lower side in post volume and on the lower side in elaborate cases and explanations that makes these towny moments feel more realistic. This is a big reason why she has been a top townread of mine for so long. She does not feel like she is trying to fight her way out of this game. She feels effortless.

Garfooled has a similar energy. Talking about not being caught up, promising to “contribute later”, and making posts with very softly-pushed reads that do not read as if they are agenda, these are the kinds of things that make it feel like Garfooled is not playing a high-effort game. If Garfooled is wolfing, it is while intentionally trying very hard to seem low-effort, which is a strategy that I have seen players employ with success, but not necessarily an intuitive one. It usually arises only when players have a specific set of meta tells, and I do not know enough about Garfooled’s history to know whether this is the case. I don’t think this is impossible, and frankly, as I look back over Garfooled’s posts to explain why I feel this way, a lot of the indicators I was using to make this read may not be present. I will go over this in more detail later.

tutuu is clearly playing in a high-effort manner, regardless of his alignment. However, looking at his posts, it is still somewhat difficult to read him as a wolf. They are so high-effort that they run into the issue of no longer being productive: at some point, you just run into questions on why you have not been nightkilled, or why you have not caught a wolf yet. I would know.

I initially wrote this post intending to upend my past reads somewhat, but having reviewed everybody twice over, I still believe the groupings I penciled out earlier. Garfooled is a more likely wolf than tutuu or Leafia, in my opinion. Magnus and Zugzwang are in a strange, similar place, where I find them independently towny and yet easy to wolfread within the context of this particular game, with Zugzwang slightly better off than Magnus.

Thinking about it, the easiest wolfteam for me to theorize might actually be bystander/Garfooled. Does this mean it is the best theory? No, it does not. It is the one I find the least mental resistance to, but its members are also the ones who have simply tried the least. I will read both sides for partnerships now.

I could be incredibly cheap here and claim that “if you were to be town” comes from a wolf who is talking to their partner.

This also seems a little bit too easily said, like it comes from somebody with undue confidence. However, I don’t think this is a very strong read on my part. It means that I am not willing to use bystander’s early cases on Garfooled to discount their partnership, but it does not mean that I think it is especially likely overall.

The wolfread on Garfooled is the only confident wolfread, perhaps the only wolfread at all, that bystander expresses all game. It indicates a different treatment that I can see as partnered. I am not discounting this as a potential team.