The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

im not that confident

Gar is town.

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that actually scared me

Final Votecount:

Garfooled (2): tutuu, Magnus
Magnus (1): Zugzwang

Not Voting (2): Rhea, Garfooled

If you have any corrections send them in your forum PM. You have 5 minutes

Gar has been executed! They were…

Zooble (Vanilla Town)

“If anyone needs me, then $%#! off”

You are vanilla town. The only weapons you have are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the mafia.

Day 3 ends and Night 3 begins and will end at 2024-05-28T03:00:00Z

Welcome to… the hazbin circus?


Zugzwang has died during the night! He was…

Mannequin (Vanilla Town)



You are vanilla town. The only weapons you have are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the mafia.

Night 3 ends and day 4 begins! It will end at 2024-05-30T03:00:00Z

Town must execute correctly today or they will lose. ALL VOTES ARE LOCKED.

Not Voting (3): Magnus, Rhea, tutuu


Welcome to the amazing digital orchestra!

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My first thought is that wolf Magnus’ only chance of winning is to kill Zug. F3 between them, Zug and Rhea results in Zug and Mag crossvote. Mag would need to win a thunderdome against Zug whom Rhea townread more, all of us did. By killing Zug they have more win equity because I’ve been scumreading Rhea more. They might even aim for some longshot of winning a crossvote versus me by invoking paranoia in town Rhea

Second thought is that I should have waited for Magnus’ reaction before posting that. See if they ask “why is tutuu still alive?”. Are they just going to straight up reveal their hand? I feel like I should still post everything that I’m thinking right now, raw and unfiltered

Third thought is to consider Rhea. Since my first thought is that this gamestate suggest Magnus wolf, it’s not unlikely for wolf Rhea to have predicted my reaction and killed Zug accordingly. If she is a wolf she has been a mastermind, evading the chop despite us trying to kill her multiple times, so this doesn’t seem out of her capabilities

Fourth thought is that if she is the wolf here, killing me seems like the more straightforward play. Let Zug tunnel onto Magnus and collect the free win

You know what.
I had a very long opener outlining why I townread both Tutuu and Rhea, and why I concluded that Zugzwang had to be evil utilising evidence from past days. Off tone, tunnel vision on new data to substantiate old reads. I apologised for the blame of Garfooled’s death because I had previously known they were town, and it was my fault for retracting that read at the behest of others because I had known better. I theorised about late votes and Zug’s competitive duelist spirit as an explanation. I thought I saw something that others were somehow missing. I still have this in my notes.

This was, perhaps, the most surprising kill. And a brave one, because I don’t know what purpose it serves. But I am town, and I’m sorry because I don’t know what’s happening.

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Fifth thought is that there was the possibility of re-evaluation on Zug’s part. If Zug was in my shoes right now, he could have thought “If Magnus is the wolf, do they really leave me alive and kill tutuu? When they know full well I stated clear intent to kill them? Isn’t that just throwing? So is it Rhea then?”. I don’t think it’s unlikely for Zug to have re-evaluated if he was left alive in F3 with Magnus, I think he’s shown he’s a very capable player. So in this scenario, wolf Rhea killing him to frame Magnus in my eyes also makes sense

When comparing this, the world for wolf Magnus is more level 0, more straightforward. They killed the loudest voice trying to kill them, end of story. The world for wolf Rhea is a bit more convoluted, level 1-2 or so. But not entirely wild, I can see it