The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

Fourth thought is that if she is the wolf here, killing me seems like the more straightforward play. Let Zug tunnel onto Magnus and collect the free win

You know what.
I had a very long opener outlining why I townread both Tutuu and Rhea, and why I concluded that Zugzwang had to be evil utilising evidence from past days. Off tone, tunnel vision on new data to substantiate old reads. I apologised for the blame of Garfooled’s death because I had previously known they were town, and it was my fault for retracting that read at the behest of others because I had known better. I theorised about late votes and Zug’s competitive duelist spirit as an explanation. I thought I saw something that others were somehow missing. I still have this in my notes.

This was, perhaps, the most surprising kill. And a brave one, because I don’t know what purpose it serves. But I am town, and I’m sorry because I don’t know what’s happening.

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Fifth thought is that there was the possibility of re-evaluation on Zug’s part. If Zug was in my shoes right now, he could have thought “If Magnus is the wolf, do they really leave me alive and kill tutuu? When they know full well I stated clear intent to kill them? Isn’t that just throwing? So is it Rhea then?”. I don’t think it’s unlikely for Zug to have re-evaluated if he was left alive in F3 with Magnus, I think he’s shown he’s a very capable player. So in this scenario, wolf Rhea killing him to frame Magnus in my eyes also makes sense

When comparing this, the world for wolf Magnus is more level 0, more straightforward. They killed the loudest voice trying to kill them, end of story. The world for wolf Rhea is a bit more convoluted, level 1-2 or so. But not entirely wild, I can see it

I think I should just ISO both of you. I think Day 3 is the day that will give the most info with the new insight of Gar and Zug being town. But going through the entire game with the knowledge that one of you two is the wolf should come as close as it can for the pieces to fall in place. I’ve seen F3’s be won by slowly unveiling the villain, like a story, by analyzing their ISO post by post, it was honestly quite elegant / romantic

Killing Zugzwang makes the least amount of sense from my perspective. I was beyond convinced that he was evil, and his options would have been to kill Tutuu (which seems logical, they’re the most townread player) or to kill Rhea who is a very logical player, which would consequently force Tutuu to reevaluate and decide upon killing either Zugzwang or myself when they’ve already ranked Zug over myself. I was half-expecting Rhea to be dead, so what’s the angle here?

My sleep schedule got messed up. I’m finishing up my final project for my graduation from uni and I had a redbull yesterday and I feel like it hasn’t worn off so I couldn’t fall asleep. I was also excited to die and enter spec chat and see who was the wolf. The anticipation didn’t let me sleep. So I’ll be here a bit, I dunno when I’ll go to sleep it’s sporadic

I feel like if I start the ISO process now I’ll do a shoddy job because I have a temporary burst of energy from excitement but I don’t have long-term energy needed to stay focused. I shouldn’t rush it. It will get done. For now I can maybe give you mean stares like in a mexican stand off

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Magnus - The Good
Rhea - The Bad
Tutuu - The Ugly

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Objectively speaking, Tutuu is framed by this kill from a level playing field. I’ve had a precedented pattern of sparing exciting or fun town players whenever I’m evil, and I had ammunition to use against Zugzwang. We would have crossvoted and I’d have my pick of whomever I thought would be more rational to serve as a kingmaker. It wouldn’t be an ideal position, but that’s not the issue.

Rhea, conversely speaking, would have to consider killing Tutuu if they were evil and allowing Zug and I to self-destruct on one another. Aside from my comment yesterday about trusting Tutuu’s townread if they wanted me to, Rhea has no reason not to make the anticipated kill when Zug and I had both talked about townreading them.

If Tutuu is evil, they would’ve felt boxed in much the same way I have in AMQ; particularly as seen by their opener today about expecting me to remark on why they weren’t dead, Tutuu was immediately thinking about what I would think. Perhaps Tutuu overthought and assumed Zug and I would question why they were alive, in a fashion unlike what Rhea’s perspective would have been. In this regard, killing Zug or I is fundamentally unimportant, we’re just two sides to one coin.

Sorry Zug for everything. Your swordfighting message sold me.

But in any case, suspecting Tutuu now for a nightkill is ridiculous. They’ve been town for the entire game, indiscriminately. It’s just curious.

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I’m happy with this arrangement.

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Killing Zugzwang is, quite frankly, ideal.
The scenario where Zug and I + 1 were alive was, and I quote, “the second-worst case scenario”.

Winning is actually possible, now. I don’t expect to be the kingmaker, and I’m fine with that as well.

What do you think about this? Not about me/Rhea dying, but Zug being alive with you

Ohh, Zug and I have to hydra somewhere. That was thrilling.

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Zug agreed with my reads. He went about them weirdly, like townreading Gar at the end and not casting a saving vote until thirty seconds before EOD (tying the wagons), but he agreed with my reasoning that Rhea and yourself looked town. If I had died instead, Zug would have been in my exact position right now. If we were both alive, while the chances of an immediate cross are nil, we would already be at debate.

I think we both would have considered whether the nightkill mattered, and reached the same nil conclusion. You and Rhea are indistinguishable on a fundamental level; Zugzwang and I were as well. Of course we could have rational discourse, but it would have been interpreted as distraction. If either of us believed it, we would’ve talked about it yesterday.

Hello, everybody. I am having technical issues at the moment and cannot play the game fully. I am checking in on a borrowed device at the moment. This will likely be my only post for the time being. Hopefully, this will be alleviated by tomorrow, but I cannot make promises.

I was praying that Zugzwang would survive the night, as I was able to be much more confident that he was town than anybody else, but I knew it would not happen. From my point of view, the nightkill was not indicative of much at all.

I cannot shake the feeling that, like every other time I have been in a mafia game this late, I am here to lose.

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Rhea keeping me alive because of the anonymous game they keep referencing could be logical, since I was voted in that game and every other evil F3 because I was tinfoiled right at the end. Huh.
But even that doesn’t make the most sense. Tutuu expecting to die is actually fine, Tutuu would’ve also expected the three of us to be alive. Tutuu would have seen that as a defeat following their POE, so surely being alive now is a relief. Controlling your chances is always better than being helpless.

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I was in a D&D session until a minute before the day started, so this pain resonates with me. I think all three of us are logical enough to avoid voting when not everyone is online.

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One of you is shocked that Zug was killed and the other had Zug as the top town
One of you is wolf and the other is town

Coincidence??? I think not,

How about you, Tutuu? If you were bulletproof last night, who would you have expected to die? Does it make sense for anyone else to die from your perspective?

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