The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN


my sleep schedule is insane but i am indeed awake and i indeed remembered this game existed



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Oh, I thought that you randed it and then were acting like a nerdie emoji about it. Let me check again

I’m not afraid of being unable to read Rhea, Someone is unreadable for me


insane opener but i respect

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ask someone to look at their rolecard before you ask them a question


Magnus and their thesaurus dot com dictionary on their way to fuck up the Mafia. I respect it.

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im waiting for your excel sheet of town rands


@Magnus when did you plan your opening? And what was your thought process in choosing this one, over others?

w!Zugzwang in Zone’s Testament defaulted to his standard go-lucky tone before adopting the formal wallposting profession from the players he was talking about. I’d need to consider whether his reads in that game were stolen from other players at the time to go along with the flow, or if he was abrasive and strongwilled.

Damn okay. A lot of interactions between Magnus / Zug, comparatively to the rest of the thread. Going to lean not w/w. It’s not unfakeable but it’s a pointer in a direction



so i can town read you 100 percent
it’s only 60 rn

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The 1988 hand-drawn animation does look really appealing, so that’s valid. I don’t think the “new” show is all that new anymore, though.

You can take Rhea and I’ll focus on Someone to the best of my human ability. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Rhea play before.


it’s always gonna be the “new” garifled for me

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am i lock town yet?

mmmmmmmm tempted to take Rhea’s reads list style

As you can see, things haven’t been good for me. I inputted this one already

I am curious though, Gar - why tell me this? You told me that you think this was a tell for me. (Whether or not I post my past games, to the other readers). It’s not because I haven’t always done it as town, I didn’t do this in my last town game a few weeks ago to my memory. But if you thought it was a tell for me - why tell me pre-emptively? Why not wait and see if I do it by myself, and then scumread me if I don’t?

I had another opener prewritten taking inspiration from an old Mafiauniverse thread about Vig10’er Mathematics, and then dismissed posting it because focusing on player grouping felt more immediately effective of a tactic to garner a response from Leafia and other players who came in, so thanks for the opportunity. Initially I thought about writing metareads on everyone I knew in the game, but I decided I couldn’t bother with doing it and I didn’t want to out my Mafia teammate by accident.
That’s a joke, testing to see who actually reads this.


i have read and will probably wake up to 600 bajillion posts but gn am sleeping soon

this is the most ? question to ask about magnus’ opener imo

like, what sort of ai answer would you get from this