The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

o7 ganggggffffff

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Someone (4): Rhea, tutuu, Leafia, jail
Garfooled (2): pandora, Someone
pandora (1): Magnus

Not Voting (3): bystander, Garfooled, Zugzwang

Final VC

yall have had time to submit corrections mightveee not been paying attention to the time :joy_cat:

Someone was…

Caine (Vanilla Town)

"Today’s adventure is… Gather the Gloinks! Kill the Mafia!*"
*The Amazing Digital Circus does not endorse any message spread by YBW Inc.

You are vanilla town. The only weapons you have are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the mafia.

Day 1 ends and Night 1 begins. Night 1 will end at 2024-05-22T03:00:00Z


Welcome to… the amazing digital circus?

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Pandora has died in the night! It was…

Kaufmo (Vanilla Town)


You are vanilla town. The only weapons you have are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the mafia.

Jail has died in the night! He was…

Gangle (Town Vigilante)

- “Oh, I always lose…”

You are the town vigilante. Each night, you may choose a player to kill.

Defeat the mafia.

Night 1 ends and Day 2 begins! It will end 2024-05-24T03:00:00Z


Welcome to the amazing digital circus and before we get started I’d just like to say that there are owl hosue spoilers in this so be forewarned but really the art of creating a video is truly a beautiful thing to do I’d like to thank adobe and-

Ouch. Both of those flips are painful.

Bluh bluh.
Thank you Jail. I was trying to look like a Vigilante.


I figured changing my playstyle/tone would give off the impression that I wasn’t worried about being shot

Same here. I was hoping the wolves would think I was vig.

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anyway. unpairings chart time

at night I made this

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Our ringleader was executed D1, but luckily, I, Bubble, his right hand bubble, will take over for him.


here’s the key

Not Voting (7): bystander, Leafia, Garfooled, Magnus, Rhea, Zugzwang, tutuu

I’m only a mannequin :(
which reminds me I would’ve claimed my flavor but I saw the argument of “hmmmmmm flavor claiming means you probably didn’t have a wolf PM to draw your attention”
and realized the same applies for a vig pm

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Fair enough.