The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

You responded to my post assuming that I misunderstood what you were saying; I wanted to clarify that I did not. I failed to find a read in your post not because I did not understand it, but because the posts were not alignment-indicative. I explained why you were not towny because you seemed to think I should find you towny. It was straightforwardly a response to what you had said to me.

like i answered on the read i had

it was light w, shade at the time

i never implied i should be found towny

And your response did not help me find a read on you. I do not understand why you are acting like your response should entitle you to being townread. You explained what you thought. I did not particularly like what you thought. I decided to vote you. What is unusual about this?

Then why are you so critical of the fact that I do not find you towny?

literally what are you talking about

I am talking about this.

yes, because its weird

and you’re claiming i am showing off thoughts when i specifically only shared a thought and expanded on it because you quoted me

i don’t care that youre voting me, its the fact you’re straight up lying about what im doing as your explanation for it

like yeah whatever if im making shallow reads then whatever. im not posting most of my thoughts so its just kinda crazy and pretty opportunistic looking when someone is directly asking me to answer them and i do and they immediately vote me because i was literally just trying to be helpful lol

I am stating that I do not find your thoughts to be particularly towny because they are all expressed in the thread. I find it towny when a player has a hidden thought process, one where not everything one thinks is explained in thread, one where a player does not specifically try to project the fact that they are town. For some players, it is perfectly normal to only have thoughts which are explained in thread, but they do not get the luxury of being townread for hidden processes. They must find some other way to be towny.

You have not been towny in this way, nor have you been towny in any other way, so I am voting you. There is no lie there.

I am not voting you solely because you responded to me, and saying that I am misrepresents my case. I am voting you because I do not townread you. I called out your response because it did not help me townread you. It is not your intent that matters. I understand that it is frustrating, regardless of your alignment, to try to explain yourself and get voted for it, but I cannot sense intentions through the computer screen. It will happen sometimes. That does not make me disingenuous.

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VOTE: Rhea

these word salad posts doing nothing to actually answer my points do not help you look less opportunistic

it is not my job to be more towny for other people either

like. i was not trying to help you townread me

i was deadass just trying to explain my read on zug

Then why are you confused that I wolfread you after you made the posts?

where are you getting this impression that i was “helping you find my alignment” like i do not understand

because the wolfreading is hella opportunistic and there is literally nothing in my iso that is substantiating the points you are making against me

and it simply feels like you are pushing on me knowing the type of playstyle i give off

and i simply dont like it

i can type

sorry about getting a little aggro btw, its annoying and nobody should have to really deal with that.

but it feels like rhea is pushing me for the wrong reasons and i dont like it honestly. i can feel neutral about people scumreading me and i can feel good abt it but im not feeling good about this lol.

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