The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

i see


let me check something

ok tutuu is fine i was thinking tutuu felt off to me but like whatever

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Agenda yeah, you can’t tell yet. There are posts I wouldn’t make as wolf, though. The read about Magnus saying 28 possibilities is one, and the read in 361 is another. You can see in Zone’s Testament and the BOTF there’s a major lack of those types of mindset reads; I have a much harder time coming up with those as wolf. From memory (and a brief skim) there’s not much I’m ~certain I wouldn’t post, though I think some other posts are fairly difficult for me to come up with as wolf.

Notably in the BOTF I could rely on mech a lot more. When I couldn’t find a read on someone, or couldn’t find a read that suited my agenda, I could often just argue it with mech. Mech is much more objective, and doesn’t really have the issues of being burdened by TMI or anything like that.

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Yes it is. The police have been called. They’ll soon arrive at your house so don’t leave your house.

So you’re claiming neut?

Let me fix this.

VOTE: Garfooled

Garfooled just feels like a flailing wolf to me.

This is town.


there is definitely no neut in the game :sob:

hello is anyone alive

who wants to talk about gar since im still kinda ? on that slot. idk what i was cooking earlier but it still has me a little hesitant killing them esp with how stale today is

No. You’re the only living player.

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damn :pensive:

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Now to head back to the spirit realm for now. :sleepingleafeon:

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what the heck why are you gys doing so much for d1 lol

also do zug and tutu typically do sheets as both alignments or is it more indicative of something?

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i have tutu jail leafia magnus zug v

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Understanding the full implications of this post will have to wait until we know more about Garfooled and Zugzwang’s alignments, which will perhaps only be after the game ends, but I think it at least seems realistically biased.

I agree.

This post doesn’t quite thoroughly address the possibility of w!Zugzwang and t!Garfooled, but I feel like that inconsistency is towny. Wolves tend to more thoroughly think through what they are saying, rather than basing it on instinct.

Openers are generally some of the easier posts to derive a read from, as they require a player pick a particular focus and enter thread before they have had a chance to naturally converse and fit in with others. I found some kind of read from every other opener in the game. Jail also engaged with Zugzwang’s reads early on, which is another place I find it easy to search for alignment information. I found it odd that jail’s posts felt so difficult to get an understanding of.

I cannot help but townread this.

I do not use other players’ meta in my own reads, but I agree that jail’s response to being suspected has not actively made me want to further pursue him as a vote at this time. I flip back and forth on whether I find it towny, but I certainly do not actively find it wolfy.

I like this read. I may even agree with it.

I like that pandora is clearly keeping previous posts in her mind and pondering what they meant in the background. It was confused about a post, and this weighed on it. Wolves are usually more careless. When I am caught up, I will check exactly which post it is that pandora was confused on.

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I’ve done it as town; I haven’t done it as wolf but I don’t think I’d be opposed to it. Last town game - Paradox Hazard - I did it but I didn’t share it because I wasn’t confident. Then I died and went in spec chat and saw it was all correct. So that inspired me to give it a shot again. The reason why I stopped in the first place was because I had a game where I had a very wrong sheet. I used to do it every game, and I happened to rand town in all of those games

Looking at the post in question, I do not think it is that towny to have been confused by it enough to remember it later. The “28 possibilities remain” piece that was referenced is a purely mathematical question, not something that would actually help read Magnus. I still townlean pandora, but this particular interaction is not actively town indicative.

I’ve not done it before

My current reads are roughly as follows:

Leafia t
tutuu t
Magnus t
Zugzwang lt
jail lt
pandora lt
Garfooled n
Someone n
bystander n

Someone is the player I know the least about, and thus the player I find the most necessary to investigate with my vote. VOTE: Someone.

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So, do you agree/disagree? And when you say “realistically biased”, I presume this means you think it fits with the perspective Magnus displayed so far?