The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

Yeah let’s have competing wagons

VOTE: Someone

I am willing to switch depending on Magnus’ vote, unless it goes too much against my own townreads. Then I’d have to consider what to do

I was under the impression Gar was ~null for you previously; does this not make you townread them?

I don’t think that whether you and Garfooled have partner equity is material enough right now to be worth extensively pursuing, especially given Garfooled is a top wagon. I can see the perspective the post comes from, and I don’t necessarily disagree, but I don’t find it actively convincing enough to make it more worth suspecting either you or Garfooled independently.

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ok tbh i buy this reason

do u have the sheets from last tme

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You presumably also saw my response to it; did that impact your thought?

The individual posts were not sufficient to move the needle to a townlean over a high null, at least not above jail and pandora. My read list is ordered, so Garfooled being above Someone and bystander is meaningful. (On that note, I should have probably placed you, Zugzwang, below jail and perhaps even below pandora. Your current placement is due largely to inertia.)

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acutally nvm u prob wouldnt lie abt that thad be dumb

Not particularly. I generally do not find self-defense does much for me, as players have the same motives to defend themselves as town or as wolf.

Keep in mind that I was also reading this as I was catching up, so I read your response only shortly after reading Magnus’s original post. I thought about the post and its response as a whole, and I did not have much time to develop an opinion before I saw you respond.

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The fact I defended myself is of course NAI. But the points I made are not.

This is understandable though.


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Yes, points of self-defense can be alignment-indicative, but a self-defense in response to somebody’s case is always going to be the most constructed, thought-through version of those points. It is hard to find anything unfakeable there, because a wolf making a long response to a long case has plenty of time to invent stories and put them on the page. Somebody showing quick real-time interactions will not necessarily have defending themselves on their mind, so they are much more likely to accidentally let a wolftell slip through, or show something that would be impractical and unrealistic to fake as town.

A self-towncase tells rather than shows, and so makes for an unconvincing narrative.

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Hi hi
I am officially awake after a much needed nap
I’ll have to go through my “morning” routine
Get food
Get caffeine
Watch a funny video
But after I get myself energy and motivation, I will finally finish my iso from post 189 (I think it was)
That being said
I’m ngl
My flip would be informative to town
But I’m still gonna fight because I know my own alignment and don’t want to throw
And giving out my final thoughts etc etc (if they are)
That’s still of use, hopefully!
I’ll be back
(Terminator 2, Judgement Day style)


Also I hope they fix my wifi by then,
We had a fire nearby and it ate through the cables
I really don’t wanna get caught up on phone


How many wolves were present in this game?

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Fair enough.


3 - hazard, catbae and marluna

which is a lot more annoying than here
with 2 wolves, if anyone proposes an unpairing, either they’re town, or they’re a wolf making a correct read

There were 55 potential pairings, of which 3 were correct. You discounted only 5 of them. Of course you saw success. You were unambitious.

It is similar to how players often see themselves with correct townreads and incorrect wolfreads on Day 1, and conclude they must be good at making townreads and bad at making wolfreads. It is simply much easier to make townreads than wolfreads. If you make bad townreads, even bad townreads which are worse than random chance, there is still a fairly high chance you will be correct.

I do not mean to discourage you. Partnership reads are useful in many cases. But I would like to encourage you to be careful about relying too heavily on a spreadsheet like this. Keep in mind that a good team of wolves will deliberately try to look unpaired. In a sufficiently skilled playerlist, two players who have absolutely zero unpairing interactions can often be less likely to be wolves together. Having each wolf deliberately pair themselves with a townie to take into endgame to ensure either correct vote in F5 can be leveraged into a misvote in F3 is a common and effective strategy. Do not let yourself be too easily fooled.


nyaaaaaaaaa I saw that math edit

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