The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

I momentarily thought I had been mistaken. I hadn’t.



When you talk like that with this avatar I just always wanna nod and apologize and excuse myself while stuttering

:point_right: :point_left:

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tutuu does Rhea’s reasoning on Gar strike you as strange

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I am the one who made the mathematical error, not you.

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Which one? To my memory it evolved a bit, she wrote a bunch of posts about Gar

If you mean in general “Gar is town because she’s chillax” - I dunno. Like if Gar flips Mafia Rhea is probably getting vigged. If not we’re all probably chopping her

If Gar flips town I wouldn’t discount the possibility of Town Rhea making a correct read. Like she seems like a very experienced player

I think I need a flip or two before I give out judgement on what I think is strange (scummy). Like before flips, just on its own, a lot of things ppl say is weird to me but I let it be, like I don’t need to agree with everything or understand everything for another person to be town, I’m used to not being fully … in sync with everyone, that’s just standard mafia gameplay at least fmpov

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honestly why do u guyslike

Im alive

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most recently, I find

pretty strange
Yes, I see the idea of “wolf doesn’t want to admit that” but Rhea also doesn’t comment on how awkward the original interaction looks, or that w!Gar would’ve had a hard time arguing they were continuing to solve me when they demonstrably weren’t

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also fwiw this isn’t just me pairing Gar/Rhea anymore
if it were just that I’d be fine just flipping Gar
but I’m starting to tinfoil worlds where Rhea is whiteknighting Gar here

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It’s possible yeah

I am aware there is some degree to which I “shouldn’t” townread Garfooled’s overall interaction there, by traditional standards, at least. I still cannot help but townread that specific series of posts. That is why I phrased the read like I was at war with myself, and why Garfooled is still only a high null in my read list overall.

The initial awkwardness of interaction that initially made me wolfread Garfooled is still very much present, even now, but the casual interactions counterbalance that wolfiness sufficiently that Garfooled is a high null by my standards.


I see the same things you do. I saw them in my opening post, and I have not continued to mention them because it has all already been said. “Garfooled’s reads are awkward and wolfy” is a known fact here. There is no point in me reinforcing it, except to look better in front of the thread, which I do not sufficiently care about to bother with. Garfooled’s demeanor in general being more casual is what goes against general consensus, so it is what I talk about.

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Im gonna be reading ppl’s messages and see if anything stands out

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Initially, the casual persona was only present when Garfooled was talking casually with tutuu about subjects mostly outside the game itself, which I found much more wolfy. A sharp contrast between casual posts intended to make the poster look comfortable and more awkward posts intended to push reads is a strong wolftell. But Garfooled has been able to maintain that casual tone when talking about actual reads, which I like more, hence why I said Garfooled has been trending up for me.

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UNVOTE for now
I don’t think the awkwardness is AI after looking at Stratagem-15 for a moment (sorry Gar :pensive:)
and I want to dive more into that to compare their reads

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For the record, there is absolutely a scenario in which Garfooled is Town. This would be supported by their laissez faire attitude all day regarding execution, which isn’t unheard of (attempting to make town second-guess), but is commonly an unsuccessful last resort strategy when you feel sunk. For certain reasons I almost don’t think we necessarily need to kill ambitiously today, but it would be nice.

Magnus / Tutuu / Leafia / Jail (+ Zugzwang and Bystander from some) — consistently townread. These players should never be killed today or tonight except by Mafia.

From my perspective, while this town core isn’t inherently iron tight (I haven’t actually afforded anyone except Zug my undivided attention), the lack of diverging reads in the town square makes me feel comfortable that evils were sorta boxed out.

In another world Rhea would also be an easy townread off self-reflective verbosity alone, but that’s just…
Right, Rhea and Garfooled shouldn’t be partnered because the former attempted to sink the latter immediately. Of course Rhea was entirely aware of that as depicted in their follow-up commentary (#236), but to now backtrack on suspecting Garfooled would be horrible timing if they were W/W.


Multiple cognitive mechanisms influence whether we like or dislike things of given variety.

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Whats the logic for Jail, I dont really see anything after reading comments