The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

:flushed: yessssss

VOTE: Bystander

Sorry about that. I’ll take that into consideration too.

How did Tutuu change his name to Origami?


Rhea is playing out of her mind if she’s a wolf although I wouldn’t put it past her. She’s great

i don’t think my reasons to townread bystander were bad but i think everyone else is towning it up super hard in comparison

@Zugzwang do you have any updates in your reads? im curious about bystander specifically. if everybody is scumreading her then we should probably just chop her?


VOTE: Bystander

Keeping Magnus in mind too.

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Mods have the ability to change account names (like what they did for Eliza, this has the risk of breaking message archives) and to apply nicknames (which doesn’t override pings or the visible name in the account menu).

Katze or Orange, one of them applied the nickname to Tutuu.

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bystander (3): Magnus, tutuu, Leafia

Not Voting (4): bystander, Garfooled, Rhea, Zugzwang

OP has been updated.

Hammer is at 4 votes

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The factional kill is now mandatory, for anyone who didn’t see the change.

UNVOTE . Everyone’s had their say but hammering somebody who isn’t around feels mean.


Ah. Wasn’t aware of that.

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It’s some fun trivia. Makes for amusing pranks.

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some of this I can see
though I still don’t get why you seem to have the same attitude towards me on D1 + why you seem to be fine with way lighter reasons for clearing Leafia

(also yeah I see the pings and stuff; reading up first tho)


what about the way I confronted you makes it better than the other posts, which you said might be town-indicative but not in this game / from me?

Hopefully the low activity here right now is a good sign.

There is nothing unique or better about it. I still don’t think the confrontation is entirely out of your wolfrange. But it is another data point of something I find townier than not, and it was a good reminder that my standards for you have been much higher than my standards for the other players in the game, despite the fact that I don’t know you all that much better than the others.

The confrontation did not make you think you were that much townier, but it did remind me that I was likely underestimating other players.


while gone the thought occured to me that Bystander is kinda the slot who everyone wolfreads / has in poe, but isn’t really being voted


Unsure whether I should still apply this read given that this is a 10 player game, with 2 wolves (as opposed to the ~17 player games this article was intended for), and Bys does have votes now.
But it does make me see the argument that if Bys is town, then wolves have an easy route of just pushing them over, which doesn’t look like what was going on earlier today

(as somewhat implied by the above) I stopped TRing Bystander partway through the night, because once I TRed Gar from EOD and had the Someone flip, they had less in their favor than everyone but Rhea


as for others - I had a bit of paranoia on you near the beginning of the day
because you didn’t die, and I thought you looked a lot like the vig too
but then you’ve made all these posts:

where your town mindset shines through really hard
I read through you in Baldur’s Gate and Hazbin Hotel, and you had way less of this stuff


Thinking more and more that Bystander just flips w here.