The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

Hi. Morning.
Bystander was online today exclusively to defensively reprimand us for playing too steadily and to shrug accuse some other players. Bystander can be paired with numerous players, and was at strong risk of execution during the latter portion of the day; but rather than poke reads as Garfooled did, Bystander just didn’t care.

Realistically, I think Bystander is evil who is expecting to die and has silenced themselves because of it. If they’re town, they kinda needed to die anyway to punch a hole into the POE.

Now that I know I won’t die tonight, I’m not particularly worried either way.

i didnt do anything today though

i read through jail’s ISO and all I could think of was
“yeah I can see how mafia found the vigilante”
esp with the prodding from Rhea
and jail’s reaction to it

I read through bystander’s ISO
they find a few ppl town
are scared of tutuu
and sus me

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I was referring to yesterday.


A little more than an hour to go before RoD and Bystander is nowhere to be seen.

I have no remaining queries for a frozen participant who won’t show up for their own elimination, nor do I believe any instructions as to the future should be necessary a la EOD1. Have a good night to the five of us who live.

I just hope Bystander is a wolf. I can’t see us winning this if he’s town.

Apologies for my absence today. I was unexpectedly busy. There is nothing more to say.

It’s alright. We understand.

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Final votecount

bystander (3): tutuu, Leafia, Zugzwang

Not Voting (4): bystander, Garfooled, Rhea, Magnus

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Send corrections in ur forum PM if necessary. Do this within 5 minutes

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Bystander has been executed! She was…

Kinger (Mafia Goon)

- “Boy, we’re not very good at this are we?”

You are a mafia goon. You share a discord chat with your fellow mafia. Each night, the mafia may choose to kill a player.

Reach parity with the town or make it impossible to stop parity from occuring.

Night 2 begins and will end at 2024-05-25T03:00:00Z


Welcome to Ohio!

(some nsfw language)


Leafia has died in the night! She was…

Bubble (Vanilla Town)

- “Made with all the love I’m legally allowed to give!”

You are vanilla town. The only weapons you have are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the mafia.

Night 2 ends and Day 3 begins! It will end at 2024-05-27T03:00:00Z

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Welcome to my fully original and new animation!

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actually that fits

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