The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

Oh. I anticipated being the night kill. Fmpov I was the consensus top townread. My first thought is that Leafia died over me because I’m being pocketed by a player I’ve been shielding. Maybe Magnus since Leafia was screaming to kill them yesterday. Maybe Zug

My second thought is to ask myself if I’m being too egotistical being confident that I was gonna die. Am I overestimating my importance? Maybe others don’t perceive me as highly as I do myself? Like - a consensus townread player isn’t necessarily the same as the biggest threat to mafia

My third thought is to consider if I’m being too harsh / critical of myself. Thinking that I’m more useless than I really am. I don’t think I’m useless. I got fooled by bystander at times but I contributed to her getting chopped. I had a bunch of right townreads. At the very least I think I’ve been fine

So let me disregard all of this actually and just do my best to solve

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gar IMO (post soon)

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oh. mmmmmmmmmmmm
overnight (and maybe during the end of the last day? idrm) I had been thinking about this post from Bystander
…except I was misremembering it as “if you were town” and not “if you were to be town” (noticed as of this post)

I think it’d be pretty damning if it were “if you were town”.
like. if I am fairly confident someone’s a wolf, but I don’t know that - I might say “if you are town, you should X”.

and in general. “if you are” is used when you don’t know for certain, while “if you were” is used only when you know it’s not the case. and realistically Bystander is never faking this - that’s way too much effort for this one thing that 99% of the time no one notices, and they haven’t put similar effort into the rest of the game.

now. I’m not sure if it’s quite as exclusive when it’s phrased like this
my gut says it’s the same but. mmmmmmmmmmmmm

also I had tried to search “if you were” on MU and FOL from Bystander to see if this is a speech quirk
MU gets all annoyed about how my search terms are too common and doesn’t let me do it (idk if I was using quotes around the search? probably tried with and without? but idk if that’s how to search for exact text there)

on FOL I assumed it was having a similar error when searching (with quotes for exact text) “if you were”, but now I realize that’s just because I misremembered the phrasing

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this could lead to magnus mafia. but then we collectively agreed magnus/bystander unlikely w/w. so i’ll need to revisit that

rhea had leafia as a higher townread than me. it’s possible that rhea as mafia was honest about her evaluation of townyness and just killed the player she thought was indeed the towniest

i’m not sure why zug would do this. the only thing i can think of is he expressed paranoia of being alive here:


so if wolf, he could have tried a little wolf tactic there of cashing in on the seeds of doubt he planted the previous day phase

not sure why gar kills leafia. maybe checked out of the game and just doesn’t care too much about who dies? bystander also seemingly gave up

im not sure if i should be reading too much into the leafia NK. i could end up overthinking stuff; the right play could be just to try to solve via bystander interactions and see what that brings to the table

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I also realized, if Gar is a townie pressed for time… why is she reading through the vig ISO
this is a minor point in comparison but notable

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and the nightkill fits because Garfooled had barely been active
so if she just went with the barebones root of looking at votes, then Leafia looks good
she wouldn’t have seen how heavily TRed tutuu is, and might not have known / remembered the Magnus/Bys unpairing

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oh interesting. this took me 3 rereads to get the idea but i get it now

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oh also
is Bystander a native English speaker?

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also I believe Rhea was not too confident in this? so there’s that

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i think so? not sure. i think i’ve seen her say shortened phrases like “abt” (stands for about). and a bunch of new gen z slang that i haven’t heard of. i think non-native english speakers struggle with abbreviations. she is also 15 and a lot of native english speakers, much older, still make grammatical errors all the time. sometimes reading sirderpsalot or hazard posts makes me want to throw my keyboard at my screen

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wait actually “if you were” is still part of “if you were to be town”
so idk why that search doesn’t work
probably :discourse:

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This is very wrong.

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am I one of them

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I make a lot of errors (shroops) when I go back to edit (and I tend to edit not only in mafia but like. in ~all online messages)
which is really annoying sometimes

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and also sometimes I just type the wrong word! when the right word plays in my head! idk how this is possible

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i haven’t seen you make any

maybe some slight ones but the ones i meant were you’re → your, they’re → their, and for atlas’ case than → then. these one word mistakes are the ones that make me go like mghhguiofjdogfoijfdiogj


I was expecting Tutuu to die as well. It seemed like the obvious nightkill but I was vaguely hoping otherwise so I didn’t say it, but it was in the sort of way where everyone else was also holding their breath.

Leafia was obviously town so that’s fine.
I’m willing to hardshield Garfooled forever.

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Huh? What did you mean then in the first post?

Uhh… Tutuu is still town, I don’t care about paranoia. I absolutely would’ve killed Leafia over Tutuu if I were evil, that critically fits my MO because then I could justify staying alive to F3, but I’m not evil.


Leafia didn’t feel like the optimal kill as my initial impulse, but realistically she had a lower chance to be executed compared to most others in the game so it actually made sense.

Mechanically I think we sorta have to consider Rhea because there’s no chance we let them endgame and they’re an easy player to sort before we start tinfoiling.

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