The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

my initial reaction is to chop gar or rhea today. i will (and i recommend everyone else) to read bystander’s interactions with everyone

I earnestly believe Garfooled is town. I could be mistaken on this but I’m not seeing anythIng actually incriminating from Garfooled, just “they could be evil I guess”.

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I’m assuming this is for the EOD1
I had stopped finding that convincing yesterday - the thing about probably being vigged is a natural thought to have as wolf, and changing it a bit to post is not too hard
and like. Gar was not self-voting to actually cause her flip - it’s reasonable that this is a play to hopefully have people find it towny and back off

but I’ll let you towncase them, incase I’m missing stuff
(and please do so)

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I’m assuming you haven’t read my early posts today

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As immediately demonstrated by Gar saying it’s flimsy rather than suspicious, yeah. There’s a gap in your reasoning.

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idk what you’re referring to here

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  1. If Garfooled skimmed Jail, Bystander and Tutuu’s ISO, and caught Rhea’s responses, this suggests Gar did not merely consider the voting tables at the time.

  2. Reviewing Jail’s ISO for Vigilante softs or tells after their death (so with the assurance of certainty) when compared to vigorously analysing other active slots really doesn’t require extensive resources or time.

These points also directly contradict each other, since a Garfooled paying attention would’ve known Tutuu was townread, and a Garfooled paying less attention wouldn’t have found the vigilante. Either way, a strategic Leafia kill or a hopeful Jail kill could’ve happened, but not both.

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ok “were to be” does indeed have the same meaning of it being impossible / unlikely
the “to be” does not change anything

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Wrong player name, bleh. Sorry for stating the wrong name, I meant to refer to you. I know you and Gar aren’t the same person, don’t worry. There aren’t any other confusions.


this seems like quite a hard push on another player, this was at the start of the game and one of bys’ first posts. it sticks out a bit, the intensity of this push, compared to her previous and future posts

this doesn’t read as w/w to me (the post is a reply to a zug post). the question marks make it tonally sound like begging to me. when i read this post i imagine a puppy begging “leave me alone”

i didn’t get much out of bys’ iso. there were a couple of things i considered but it felt like reading tea leaves. bys always gives me a headache. i should read it from the other sides - everyone else’s interaction / mentions of bys. the way that her wagon formed and evolved yesterday

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I don’t think the reply chain appears on Discourse’s mobile view.

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zug can you use your bot to pull a vote history or did we outlaw that? if its allowed - could you pull rhea’s vote history? iirc she always entertained the idea of bys wolf but never voted her. actually rhea doesn’t have that many posts i can check myself

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it’s allowed; I’ll do that
(pondering Magnus’ post rn)

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unless it takes too much effort to set up, could you pull everybody’s vote history? would be neat to look at :pray:

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yeah it’s pretty easy
will have it shortly

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a possibility is that bystander found the vigilante and gar agreed

Bystander randomly conjures up a scumread on Rhea out of thin air, this is the only time Bystander speaks that name. Rhea doesn’t confront the lacklustre read, not even to distance or to call it hollow like a fruit skin without substance. I can understand why Bystander would leave such a comment; but I do not understand why Rhea wouldn’t have acknowledged it, never even remaining confident in Bystander flipping evil.

Why wouldn’t an evil recognise their teammate’s doom and hammer, incriminate or sink them for credit after the Vigilante’s demise? Why wouldn’t you expect an evil to do that, and therefore feel inclined to trust someone whom doesn’t take that opportunity?

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bys outs a townread on jail with no prior mention or interaction with jail

this is her one and only interaction / mention of jail ever

All Votes

The-Showrunners voted unvote in post 1
tutuu voted Garfooled in post 83
tutuu voted unvote in post 92
Zugzwang voted unvote in post 122
Leafia voted Garfooled in post 136
pandora voted Garfooled in post 148
Zugzwang voted unvote in post 198
Rhea voted jail in post 266
jail voted Rhea in post 292
jail voted unvote in post 306
jail voted unvote in post 307
Leafia voted jail in post 322
Zugzwang voted Garfooled in post 403
Leafia voted Garfooled in post 466
Rhea voted Someone in post 479
tutuu voted Someone in post 481
Zugzwang voted unvote in post 516
Someone voted Garfooled in post 555
Magnus voted pandora in post 557
jail voted Someone in post 587
Leafia voted pandora in post 588
jail voted pandora in post 589
jail voted unvote in post 615
Leafia voted Someone in post 642
jail voted Someone in post 709
Magnus voted Rhea in post 748
Zugzwang voted Magnus in post 766
tutuu voted bystander in post 775
Zugzwang voted unvote in post 848
tutuu voted unvote in post 863
tutuu voted Rhea in post 867
Leafia voted bystander in post 886
Leafia voted Magnus in post 908
Magnus voted bystander in post 918
tutuu voted bystander in post 922
Leafia voted bystander in post 925
Magnus voted unvote in post 929
Zugzwang voted jail in post 945
Zugzwang voted bystander in post 960


tutuu voted Garfooled in post 83
tutuu voted unvote in post 92
tutuu voted Someone in post 481
tutuu voted bystander in post 775
tutuu voted unvote in post 863
tutuu voted Rhea in post 867
tutuu voted bystander in post 922


Zugzwang voted unvote in post 122
Zugzwang voted unvote in post 198
Zugzwang voted Garfooled in post 403
Zugzwang voted unvote in post 516
Zugzwang voted Magnus in post 766
Zugzwang voted unvote in post 848
Zugzwang voted jail in post 945
Zugzwang voted bystander in post 960


Magnus voted pandora in post 557
Magnus voted Rhea in post 748
Magnus voted bystander in post 918
Magnus voted unvote in post 929

Gar (empty)

no votes


Rhea voted jail in post 266
Rhea voted Someone in post 479

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I personally find this unlikely. Gar would always listen to their teammate’s input, but Bystander doesn’t seem like the sort to be outwardly forceful with the nightkill even if she was confident in the Vigilante’s identity.

Not to mention that if Mafia had found the Vigilante’s identity ahead of time, the theory that Garfooled would lay over and die immediately loses even more steam because they would only have to survive one cycle.

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