The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

This would go crazy for tracking FAM4 statistics postgame.


oh wait nevermind don’t use this one
I have used the old version by accident with a bug :pensive: (it counted votes in quotes)
accurate one soon

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i have a guardian angel
they won’t stab me in final 3 will they?


No, what will happen is the other person will vote you first because they all think you could be evil and then I’ll win by doing nothing.

This is a joke.


accurate version (do not use old)

All votes

The-Showrunners voted unvote in post 1
tutuu voted Garfooled in post 83
tutuu voted unvote in post 92
Leafia voted Garfooled in post 136
pandora voted Garfooled in post 148
Rhea voted jail in post 266
jail voted Rhea in post 292
jail voted unvote in post 306
jail voted unvote in post 307
Leafia voted jail in post 322
Zugzwang voted Garfooled in post 403
Leafia voted Garfooled in post 466
Rhea voted Someone in post 479
tutuu voted Someone in post 481
Zugzwang voted unvote in post 516
Someone voted Garfooled in post 555
Magnus voted pandora in post 557
jail voted Someone in post 587
Leafia voted pandora in post 588
jail voted pandora in post 589
jail voted unvote in post 615
Leafia voted Someone in post 642
jail voted Someone in post 709
Magnus voted Rhea in post 748
Zugzwang voted Magnus in post 766
tutuu voted bystander in post 775
Zugzwang voted unvote in post 848
tutuu voted unvote in post 863
tutuu voted Rhea in post 867
Leafia voted bystander in post 886
Leafia voted Magnus in post 908
Magnus voted bystander in post 918
tutuu voted bystander in post 922
Leafia voted bystander in post 925
Magnus voted unvote in post 929
Zugzwang voted bystander in post 960


Zugzwang voted Garfooled in post 403
Zugzwang voted unvote in post 516
Zugzwang voted Magnus in post 766
Zugzwang voted unvote in post 848
Zugzwang voted bystander in post 960

Gar (empty)

no votes


tutuu voted Garfooled in post 83
tutuu voted unvote in post 92
tutuu voted Someone in post 481
tutuu voted bystander in post 775
tutuu voted unvote in post 863
tutuu voted Rhea in post 867
tutuu voted bystander in post 922


Magnus voted pandora in post 557
Magnus voted Rhea in post 748
Magnus voted bystander in post 918
Magnus voted unvote in post 929


Rhea voted jail in post 266
Rhea voted Someone in post 479

actually this one is the same except for my votes (the bug happens only if you quote with the quote button which is why it doesn’t show up most of the time)

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in my simple smol brain using short simple words:

magnus post lot. good
zug post lot. good
gar no post. bys give up cry. gar give up cry?
rhea evil vampire lady. strong mighty stompy. not post lot. likes torture

VOTE: Rhea



ok i cannot for the life of me tinfoil tutuu anymore

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Does this program track the votes as made in player ISOs, or does it track the updates to the vote count? How does it handle typos or autocorrections?


votes as made in ISOs

it supports substring votes, as does the VC bot here. if a vote is a substring of more than one name, it doesn’t resolve it (unlike our bot), allowing for manual correction (or to allow viewing when people do meme votes like single letters - the point isn’t to get a votecount but to analyze, which is why I made this choice)

you can also manually add aliases - if I wanted “Arcy” to register as “Arctic”, I can make it do that, which allows fixing typos

it does not look at host autocorrections; only [vote] and [unvote] tags


alignments have to be manually set

oh also the version with the bugfix (that I really need to push…) has a GUI instead of just the terminal


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oh and currently I believe it takes the last vote in a post with multiple? I should change it to support multi-voting since botc uses that

Hello, everybody. It is quite late for me, so I will not be here long, but I wanted to check in before I head to sleep.

Pausing to consider whether the nightkill was odd is towny. Wolves usually come in with a reaction pre-determined. This pause would be something Zugzwang would have to go out of his way to fake. It is not impossibly by any means, but it is still an extra step.

This post is also towny, for much the same reason Zugzwang’s is. There is a set of meandering conclusions that one has to think on for some time, and all in four minutes. A wolf might prewrite this post, but they also would be more careful about looking prewritten.

I agre.

These are the same thing, are they not?

I will note that Magnus deliberately went out of their way to avoid killing players that suspected them in the game we played together. They could be intentionally breaking that meta in order to misdirect, and I do not think this fact is too damning one way or another, but it is something to keep in mind.

Garfooled is friends with you, no? I wonder if that could influence a potential kill.

Pushing a player as obvious vigilante is also a way to look observant without contributing. I agree that this is odd. Not so odd that I noticed it on a first read-through, and not so odd that it is damning, but it contributes to a case.

Is she really fifteen?

I like this reaction to the nightkill as well. Being immediately thrown off is understandable. I was not thrown off; Leafia was exactly the kill I expected before I checked the thread, as she was a more difficult tinfoil than tutuu, but not everybody thinks in the same way I do.

Hard shielding Garfooled is against wolf win condition here, though I do not think that is too material, given how strong and transparent the consensus against that slot was. w!Magnus would be in enough of a corner to warrant this behavior.

This is also reasonable.

I do not believe this is how a wolf attempting to look like they are acting pro-town (i.e. removing misexecutions from the pool) would phrase this. I think a wolf would be more authoritative and attempt to appear more confident and pull actual quotations, to avoid accusations of white-knighting.

This is more in line with what I would expect from a w!Magnus, but it is still not the most high-effort defense in the world.

This is what I thought.

I think the confidence and intensity of this post indicates that it could have been based on TMI.

I agree. bystander seems to think Zugzwang is bringing up stupid reasons to suspect her, and

I did not vote bystander. I suggested her as a potential vote on Day 1, but pursued Someone, because I was worried my wolfread on bystander was based more on frustration than on substance. (I apologize for that frustration if she really is fifteen.) By Day 2, it was entirely unnecessary to vote bystander, as she was already an uncontested top wagon.

I did note the lackluster read. I will find the quotation in a bit. I found it lazy.

I was going to bring that up myself. I am glad I do not have to, as I look like a hypocrite bringing up points in my own defense while ignoring others when they do the same.

I would prefer somewhat if you elaborated.

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Gar made 8 posts in the span of 48 hours.
as you said, skimming the ISO of a flipped vig doesn’t take much time.
and as wolf, skimming Bys/Tutuu also doesn’t take much time since you don’t have to solve.

Also, catching Rhea’s response was an afterthought that might not have happened - they may have forgotten about the unpairing or thought it wasn’t as important as Leafia’s vote.

so given the above, I do not think w!Gar put a lot of time into the nightkill.

above shows why Gar doesn’t need to have put a lot of time into the Leafia kill
but also it’s possible Bystander was the one who found the vig (though I’m not too sure on that because Bys was also not super active)

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@Magnus I specifically noted the lackluster read here.

In particular, I think such an easy-to-make read is much more likely to come from a wolf in bystander’s position if it contains one of her partners. Such a low-effort read is not going to be something that bystander should expect to improve her own position, so why post it at all? She certainly followed the principle of “if you don’t have anything towny to say, don’t say anything at all” toward the end of the day. It would make much more sense if it was intended to improve her partner’s position.

Of course, it could also be that bystander wanted to make a nominal effort before she discovered how doomed she was. I do not discount that possibility. However, at the moment, I think that Garfooled is by far the most likely remaining wolf. I can make a more thorough case in a moment.

I briefly considered that her post regarding every game ended up the same was too genuine to come from a wolf, but looking back, it really was not. It could simply have been borrowed emotion from a previous game as town.


from the grammar page I pulled yeah
but from my gut feeling “if you were X” was something you would only ever say if it was false
whereas “if you were to be” had that feeling but not as strongly

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Did you think she’s not from the way she acts? :joy_cat:

I’m planning on voting either you or Gar. Magnus hard defending Gar is influencing me to vote you. I’m waiting for Zug’s input, and Gar’s too. And yours too ofc

get on discord por favor

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and what

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