The Amazing Digital Circus Vigilante ten-er - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

wow tutuu decided to stop being a polarized noob


Good game.
I’m not upset about the outcome, earnestly. The early hammer is questionable but maybe you had a narrow timeslot so that’s fine.

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In particular, tells I noted but didn’t bother bringing up aloud (I had as many of these against Magnus, really, but they had mostly been litigated by Zugzwang in days past):

tutuu was much more worried about being executed than he should have been as a villager in that final 3, and he was too defensive about having not been nightkilled. The pressure that he kept up on himself was indicative of somebody who feared being found out because, well, he thought there was genuine material against him. It made no sense from the perspective of the villager who had been townread all game. This could be explained away as a question of personality, but I think it was alignment-indicative in this case.

He also voted for me much too quickly, in exactly the placement a wolf trying to force forward the game would. Again, personality, but there was a subtle contradiction here I did not notice until just now: tutuu appeared an overly nervous villager with respect to being killed, but an overly confident one with respect to placing a vote. Perhaps I should have noticed that.

Ultimately, my failure was not just on the final day. It would have gone much easier if I had kept pressure up on tutuu on earlier days, especially the day before, but I fell too quickly to tunneling Garfooled and only broke out of it when Zugzwang presented a case on Magnus to me. I had not time to properly evaluate the validity of my townread on tutuu, and I found myself coming into the final day woefully underprepared… and woefully unable to access the actual game for much of it.


what were remaining flavors and why was pomni me


Interesting to me after reading Zug in spec chat that he was (also) gonna thunderdome Mag in the F3 and not me. I was convinced I can’t win that F3, that both of them would re-evaluate, so I felt like killing Zug to frame Mag was my only option


You were right to kill me when you did. I still find it hard to believe that town didn’t turn on you as soon as I died because there’s no way any wolf would kill me over you. Still, I’m taking it as a compliment to my skill that Magnus, Rhea, and Garfooled are willing to believe that a wolf would kill me over you when we’re both villagers.

Note for in the future: If a highly skilled player is still alive in lylo or a lesser skilled player is killed over them, then they’re probably a wolf. As soon as I learned that I had died I realized Tutuu must be the wolf. The host can confirm too.

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by the way this flavor aged me like 20 years thank you i hope you suffer



Or maybe he would. But yeah wolf Magnus never kills Rhea that’s just losing the game for them

I ghink that if I hadn’t died when I did the town probavly would’ve won. At the very least, I would’ve been very suspicious of Tutuu for still being alive. If I hac still been alive in F3, I probably would’ve snapvoted him.

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I agree too. Both teams played really well and I had a blast playing this game.


your welcome

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I didn’t find it odd that you died, Leafia, specifically because I townread you more than tutuu. It’s strange, if I had found tutuu townier, I probably would have been more suspicious of him not dying, but I thought you were clearly a villager in a way that he wasn’t.

In one of my posts on Day 2, I actually almost brought a case against tutuu for being a player who I thought could fit the bill of a high-effort wolf, but I found enough genuine thought in his posts to discard it for the time being and edit the message. Let me find the particular post.


katze failed the read challenge


i blame the flavor, my brain is now smooth


Here it is. When I first started writing this post, I was in particular thinking of tutuu as a person who, in contrast to Leafia, was obviously putting enough effort into the game to potentially be wolfing. I significantly softened the wording of the final post because I felt that it didn’t make sense as a wolf strategy to put so much effort into the game that your lack of nightkill would stand out… but that was bad logic.


my personal favorite was the 50 minute one but no one else agrees :/


I’m proud of the way everyone played this game. It seems that everyone is improving their skills and I like that. It’ll make future games ever more fun to be in.


yeah this was more intense than normal, everyone wrote so many walls. we went ham on each other

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I was ultimately able to find Zugzwang town because I am familiar with his particular kind of nervousness as a wolf, and he was simply posting much more than he needed to. He could have coasted, but he didn’t. tutuu… actually did not post all that much more than he had to, all things considered. I thought of that, too, but did not judge it important enough, especially given I had already seen Magnus post much more than they needed to as a wolf in the anonymous game.


True. We did and you did wonderfully well Tutuu.