The Picture of Dorian Gray FM - Day 4 (7/13) - Mafia Wins

don’t worry, you are my currently strongest D1 villa read by virtue of having inherited Derps’s slot

I mean i don’t really see the +town EV tbh

:cate: now that’s a take

I am a mechanical potato :potato:

I know vague details of several actions. I am not sharing at this time what those vague details are. If people claim their actions, I can confirm that these claimed actions occurred and were activated. I could also share the exact details I received to prove I know this, but that ruins my whole “you have to tell the whole truth because you don’t know exactly what info I got”

If somebody claims a straightforwardly pro-town attempted action, then it is much more likely they are town. If an action I have information on goes completely unclaimed, then we know that it was likely taken by a wolf.

my take is the more info we get, the better
wolves probably wouldn’t share info even if they get any


Obviously I am claiming to have been activated. I was activated, chat.

I fundamentally disagree. More public information is -EV.


Alright, heard loud and clear. Not claiming my redcheck.

no, claim it

… that’s exactly what i meant thanks!

if you really got a redcheck, you should definitely claim it

The redcheck does not exist and I was making fun of soweli sorry :’(

this is a towny reaction (unless lemon’s calling may’s bluff)


you weren’t doing it right

I think it’s dumb to not claim information, I think that’s silly, I don’t think “you can guess what somebody might do in the future!!!” is at all a tangible downside to claiming info. If everybody claims what they did, people can get various new ideas and be even more unpredictable and also effective than they would if they lived solely in their own heads. I think public info is +EV.

In this game, wolves can’t actually pick their kills based off of mechanical effectiveness of somebody’s role. We all have equal potential. We should take advantage of that