The Picture of Dorian Gray FM - Day 4 (7/13) - Mafia Wins

tunnelling town or tunnelling wolves?

so tunneling = towny
no tunneling = wolfy

I gotta read up on his treatment of your slot

I think i’m clearing too many people then
unless it’s like

that was funny though

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It’s variable. The last time he tunnelled somebody as town, they turned out to be a wolf, which was his explicit justification for pushing his read of me as hard as he did: his gut was right last time, so why not again?

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He pinged all the non-voters D1 to ask them to vote for me.

and sorry, (I don’t want to backread anymore) who was Bionic tunneling this game?

I submitted a 500 word article last night.
And to read some people have tree’d is so frustrating lol

I don’t think I was activated (again)

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well that answered my last question

oh my god the pickle-looking one
If i survive i’ll write 2000 words I promsie

SDA, and then when I replaced in, me. I argued with him a bunch and sighed at him and rolled my eyes and said I didn’t like his playstyle and AtEd and did a bunch of other things and he finally backed off and said “May if you’re wolf I will never trust a living soul again”

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I only managed to get mine over 200

I’ve got inspiration from my old DAC game.

what is DAC?

btw let me just post my pregame notes in a spoiler so I wouldn’t have made them in vain

Pregame Notes

Bionic - #19 SL openwolfing #25 SL kinda weird take #66 SL kinda weird thing to say (would check if Kiiruma flips green at some point)
carbonated - #21 SL openwolfing? #34 TL concern a bit wolfy #49 SL asking for leniency #56 SL self-conscious non-post #88 SL feels a little fake
Derps - #50 TL I thought the same #86 TL bold in a towny way
Ash- #52 SL bloodlust too strong (and not in a good way)
Kiiruma - #58 TL towny excitement #61 SL weird vote makes no sense #64 Kiiruma confused Derps with carbonated probs #71 TL for “just tone” answer (SL if this continues)
JK - #59 SR bad vibes #63 SL vibes are off #80 SR I hate this post, it gives bad vibes
Hazard - #62 TL same reaction as me #65 TL seeking explanation but could also be indicator Hazard didn’t backread
Meme - #84 SL kind of awkward #91 SL for being friendly
Sultan - #98 TL I actually like Sultan’s entrance #104 SL not liking this so much
pigeon - #105 SL feels weird when you type out what you did like that
Triss - #109 TL Triss’s entrance is pretty good, feels fine
Prisma - #112 TL Prisma too

just saw VC… who were the people talking about “wagons” because there’s not much to talk about there and it feels weird in retrospect (Meme in #108 and pigeon in #105)

why do y’all post so much? I’m getting tired and my page decided to not load the posts after #120 AZ?
OK it’s back, never mind

Sultan - #123 TL this is actually alright #128 TL saying game is dead #136 TR spontaneous read #161 TL not sure I agree but I like its existence
soweli - #130 SL weird phrasing, if you call it town, just call it town, why add “for no good reason”? #132 SL feels a bit pockety #134 if Prisma flips green, check soweli
carbonated - #137 TL at least carbonated is honest #148 still OK but insistence on not making social reads needs to end soon or they go in SL bucket
Derps - #138 TL lol I love this, D1 reads are best reads tbh #143 TR dang, I’m really liking Derps #152 TL Derps spitting facts

Submitted my intended N1 song for N2, targeting Sultan.
Don’t know if it’d be filed as an investigative or not given that my piano stuff leans into the “sad and emotional moment” pigeonhole, but it’s an action nonetheless.
Didn’t get any feedback.


I believe I have reason to townread:

  • Bionic: previously mentioned polarisation
  • pigeon: last time I saw him wolf, he was limp and lifeless and asked a million questions without giving reads. Last time I saw him town, he acted much like he has now.
  • Ash: his lack of sureness and awkward jokes, while I wolfread them initially, actually upon a meta dive appear to be towntells, and he tends to be much more confident in himself (or straight up inactive) as wolf, from what I’ve seen? He had the same disease as me where he’d just confidently push agenda despite typically being a very indecisive townie, and I had a lot of trouble getting rid of that
  • Kiiruma: lowposting, previously had a meta of only lowposting as town and only highposting as wolf, this meta has since been broken by highposting as town, but I still think disengagement from him is towny, because historically he’s liked wolfing more and now he has an excuse to be engaged as wolf?
  • Hazard: I think he correctly townread both me and Kiiruma early on, but I think this reason to townread him is weakening as time goes on. I swear I had a better reason, but I can’t remember it


  • soweli
  • Sultan
  • Lemon

I don’t really think this is the team

you got me


ew pregame notes (I don’t not appreciate them but they are utterly useless in terms of determining your alignment)

I worked on them a little after I got my role PM so not entirely useless?

Diamond Arc Crossing.
Game in which we submitted articles to be interpreted for our actions.
Had the same method of activation too. Mafia +1 = Town activations

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