The Picture of Dorian Gray FM - Day 4 (7/13) - Mafia Wins

Huh? That could’ve been the thing that made our neighbourhood, then?

Wait, I’m backreading the chat, and JK said that they did an investigative action on May alone. No mention of me or Meme, even after Meme specifically asked if any of us did an action that could’ve triggered the chat.

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I’d argue this is grounds for pursuing Lemon for the moment.

VOTE: Lemonfairy

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could be, I have no idea tbh

ok but what are you trying to get out of this exactly?
because it’s not like I can answer what JK what thinking at the time

I just answered questions regarding JK’s night action with as much detail as I could ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I don’t know what I want from you specifically. That said, given that both of your claims contradict each other and that the most logical reason for this discrepancy is that you don’t have access to the chat in which JK made their claim, I’m arguing that you are mafia.

I’m honestly more concerned about the fact that you phrased it as “for the moment” than fully outright pushing me because again, I’m just a sub, so it makes no sense from a investigative standpoint so it feels more like a “I don’t want to commit” than a “I want answers” thing

I have what I feel is a strong and persuasive argument against you.
In the absence of more compelling evidence on/from another player, I want to push your slot.

look, idk why JK would hide their actions but I don’t think it’s wolf-indicative

I don’t like the idea of townleading when we’re already losing but screw it, we need somebody to take charge and it seems everything is going poorly when it comes to any sort of consolidation at this time.

This is just what wolves are looking for.
I want for people to be providing a reads list in whatever form they’re most comfortable in.

Personally my reads are:

8 - Hazard, Bionic
7 - Ash
6 - Pigeon, Soweli
5 - May
4 - Lemonfairy (JK slot)
3 - Sultan

VOTE: SultanOfSlam

I feel like there’s a minimum of 1 wolf in May/Sultan, potentially both.
Lemon post-replacement has been quite active but unfortunately JK’s early interactions to me feel like W.

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I’m not going to lie, I was W reading JK before subbing in :wowee:

I appreciate the honesty.
Personally when it came to JK I felt like they were being coached on some things to say by wolf chat.

on the bright side, I saved myself from pushing JK at least

on the other side, it’s hard to turn around what this slot already did
like how would I know why they lied about their night actions?

idk, maybe they were keeping their cards close to their chest?
maybe they didn’t trust the people in the group?

This is wildly awkward

My train stinks both kii and Swolei probably a scum in the 2 tbh

Inital gut read from day 1 says its kii but yall dont want to entertain that

I can see Kii

The fact that you both just rise out of the woodworks from nowhere while Lemon’s in the thread is not a good look for any of you.

KVOTE: kii

May was here when I initially pushed Lemon.
Sultan and Lemon are my top two suspicions independent from one another.

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