The Picture of Dorian Gray FM - Day 4 (7/13) - Mafia Wins

I feel deep and complete exhaustion in my heart. This game is so hard to play

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Hazard is where?

In the game

I have literally not seen Hazard

Well he’s in the game, allegedly


Additionally the mech here is completely bizarre and I don’t. Understand it at all. Lemon is counterclaiming the dead town’s actions and explicitly contradicting her slot’s predecessor and because of replace-ins we can’t, like, ask about this at all. We can’t guess why the hell JKBenBot lied

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I think for me Kiiruma/Hazard are in kind of a blind spot (which means I need to pay more attention there)

I feel kind of alright with where I am on everyone else

I mean we can guess. But we can’t hear it from him

Alright, you know what, I probably should just claim the full mech of my action last night, I don’t think I’m catching anybody like this

actually, now that it’s been a while I think I’m coming around on Ash a bit
because like it’s not necessarily scummy to scumread my slot because of a claim contradiction

especially if JK was being weird about it in the neighborhood chat (I now have access to it, JK was being a bit slimy about their night action)
but I can also see it as just confusion because their article has very little to do about “working together” (it’s only the last line) and is mostly focused on investigating

but then there’s the question of why name drop so many people instead of just one?
maybe JK was being greedy? we’ll never know (at least not until postgame)

@Lemonfairy @Bionic @Soweli @thepigeonnyc @Kiiruma @SultanOfSlam @Hazardwaste @Ash

Helo chat. Last night, I used an action that allows me to learn why the hosts made 3 balance decisions that night, but not what those decisions were. I decided to do ask this because:

  1. It’d give me hints as to the kinds of actions that were taken that night overall
  2. Specifically, it gives me insight into how the hosts decided to balance these decisions, and the balance for wolf actions is very different from the balance for town actions: I thought it could let me know which actions came from town vs wolf.
  3. It’s subtly powerful information whose real strength comes from how I play with it, rather than the info itself, so I thought the hosts would give me a cheap price for it: if I ask for anything that directly leads to alignments, I get whacked into the sky by Diabolical Deals, so I wanted something where I could be the one to trick people into claiming wolfy actions
  4. Blood on the Clocktower lol

I now have a price similar to the one I referenced on D2: I have to guess what the decisions that the hosts made were, or I will suffer a penalty.

The explanations for the decisions I got were unfortunately quite vague! However, I know that:

  • Somebody had an action involving a justification that things that the president does are not illegal
  • Zugzwang apparently convinced the hosts to make a decision (he didn’t post in the signups thread, so I assume this was in spec chat) (I don’t think I’m guessing this one lol)
  • And then the third explanation was in image form and was very confusing. Fuel can → =(, and then an arrow pointing to cancelled fuel can. I’m assuming this was??? IDK??? Did somebody try to get an arsonist douse, and that’s no fun, so hosts didn’t let them? Is it about somebody who idled and got activated? I don’t know.

If any of these explanations for decisions sound familiar, I would much appreciate some more information, because I would like to avoid [harmful consequence].

@ElizaThePsycho, are all submissions evaluated, even if the player is not activated?

Diabolical Deals are always evaluated and given prices, even when not activated

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@Ash Pleas read

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Trump vs. United States established that the president’s duties fall into two buckets: core activities that are essential to the office and non-core activities that aren’t.
The majority ruled that the core activities could not be prosecuted against unless there is no possible way that making the president liable for said actions could harm the executive branch.
Given the justification, I imagine you’re looking for a core activity, something that, on a very broad level, encompasses the President’s duties.

To be clear, the decision the hosts made was rejecting the idea that things that the president does are not illegal. They said it wasn’t good reasoning. And so they weren’t accepting it

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I meant everything else.
Would my song have been interpreted if I wasn’t activated?
If so, your information could refer to anyone.
If not, your information cuts things down to only the Diabolical Deals and the people who were activated last night.

I still think that’s the source of what that player’s argument hinges upon, especially given the recency of that case.

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