Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

youā€™re not talking about the player Twice are you

stop capitalizing words needlessly mrr

VOTE: Hippo

ping me if you have something to discuss. adios

Soā€¦ Zorvo is trying to act like they donā€™t know how I play and is then trying to stop people from reading me on my current thoughts there.
Yeah, this is feeling more wolfy than normal from Zorvo, Iā€™m happy to see Zorvo is a top wagon atm.

this feels very aggresive for him making 4 posts/

again he sent 4 messages

mate your fine XD its a game dont need to be sorry

technically did what zorvo asked XD

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Hippo town core :100:

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Good morning!
Itā€™s the middle of the night
But I guess Iā€™m here now!
Kiiruma and Hazard bouncing off of eachother I somewhat like, and Rajidae had decent posts
Thatā€™s really
Everything in the last 20 posts I could get, sorry

At the moment I donā€™t really like Hippo and Eliza, Zorvoā€™s ~fine but I want to hear his pushes and statements on people other then myself, Icet feels like I really should have a read on the slot already

Do you have anything related to the gamestate that you can share

Thatā€™s a really weird post, mhm
Itā€™s been repeatedly stated that thatā€™s NAI for you and I could understand how someone would townread you for your ā€œsnappinessā€
It just feels like a threat

If anything, I think the mafia reducing to two numbers prevents them from using 2-for-1 feature. That way, you can prevent potential three deaths. That will require two perfect executions

At current stage, jackal canā€™t use their NK ability until N2.

What I do agree with Zorvo is that Mafia and Jackals are going to fight each other first, for us town the distinction matters not.

Donā€™t we want the mafia to use the 2f1?
Itā€™s always going to be used on a member of an oppossing faction, and that directly benefits us

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I found the problem

Yes, I can imagine the scenario that mafia have to figure out who the traitor is and then vote them out during the night, which the double kill will be available by the following night.

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I think it still could be potentially beneficial in
A lot of different ways
Mainly if both recruits are taken down in one night or if it misses
But relying on an opposing faction seems desperate, so
Your theory makes sense, mhm

Lynching the mafia jackal recruit will also prevents the mafia for using that, I believe.

The jackal should only be a threat at
Night Three
Since the recruits donā€™t gain odd-night kills

I exist

I say hi

I no longer exist

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