Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

hi hi. what is it

In game where jackals members don’t all know each other, post like this is instant execution.

VOTE: Jarek

Sorry not sorry, but we ought to look for them signaling each other. And if you are town, you just provide covert for them for it.
Honestly, I don’t think jackals would go such straightforward, more like try to signal one person to the other, but still want to point out to be on search for those things.

aka. tl;dr don’t do stupid things.

I think you accidentally voted me

Didn’t you say this exact same thing that game too?

Please don’t tell me it’s that simple

this is actually a good point

i should’ve done more than skim the thread but rn i’m not in the mindset to read people

no it was very much on purpose

I have a list of 5 jokes i use every game dont expose me

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VOTE: Hippo

There was 2 straightforward ones, other coming from Eliza.

I will withhold my opinion on non-plain sight ones.

Cyanide i think you accidentally voted me


I checked the annual mash you were town in
You were a lot calmer and more focused on things that mattered, and also made funnier jokes


If i up my joke game will you unvote me?

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Yes, actually

What do nerds sound like?

@Rajidae massclaim d1, not necessarily full roles, just PR/non-pr or slots.

Y or N?

VOTE: Cyanide