Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

The amount of mech talk isn’t really the thing that sources
And inflates the posts in thread a lot more then needed
So I’m probably going to leave it to the people who enjoy ir
I’m pretty against the idea, but if people want the thread to massively it’s mostly fine

Those cannot rand together
I knew I should’ve tried harder to sleep
It’s pretty bad for TK in general

Eevee’s focus on mech is something that I obviously have to wait longer to get something from
Kiiruma is fine
I’m still mainly suspicious of Hippo/Eliza

Rajidae seems uninformed? I think
Frost feels a bit off
Pigeon isn’t doing anything really
Jarek doing nothing seems worse in his case
Chihiro/Marluna/Kabazame commented on the game starting and left, which feels off
Icet is posting a lot but isn’t really saying much in the posts, if that makes any sense?
The mooglefanclub is fine
Hazard seems okayish
Wazza seems okay too

Sorry if this doesn’t make any sense
Like how the mafia has all the informed information on their partners and the uninformed people don’t

That’s partially not true.

jackal know the recruits, recruits know each other, but the recruits don’t know the jackal themselves. As it’s like it’s done in secret.

I missed that part
I was really tired when I read the explaination post

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There can be only 1 RT cit, so randing two or more is impossible. So we definetly have at least 4 PRs.

It is also possible that wehave six PRs. (One of them obviously have to be Jackal alligneg in this case)

You know, you aren’t wrong. It also takes up the random town slot. So its more likely for town recruit to be citizen as well. So the jackal can change that role into something else without any repercussions or breaking the role list.

But that also mean town have even less random town claims and mafia can’t fit in here.

Alternatively, one town PR claim too many.


cyanide gives me inexplicable bad vibes
will have to think this one over

hahaha trust me you’re going to regret that

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Zorvo (2): mooglefanclub, ElizaThePsycho
Cyanide (2): Zorvo, Hippopablompoyeetus
Hippopablompoyeetus (2): Rajidae, Cyanide
Jarek (1): eevee

Not Voting (11): Marluna, IcetFeelsPain, Wazza, Kiiruma, Frostwolf103, Hazardwaste, thepigeonnyc, Jarek, Chihiro, ImpMan, Kabazame

First votecount done by the resident cute Leafeon.

“Can roll once.”
So it can’t roll twice or thrice.

Yeah to be honest I’m not doing much even by my standards, I’m not gonna justify it there’s no excuses here I’m just not active and I’ll fix it

So looking back there’s nothing special that jumps out to me in particular but I think the talk about mechanics makes me raise some eyebrows, kinda seems like people there are just talking to talk it doesn’t feel like a real organic conversation. Nothing progressed there just “you talked about mech. Bad.” “Ok”

I’m welcome to hear your case on me

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