Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

Yep. But if you want to go by actions:

2/4 and 2/6 respectively for protectives to also be on them if they exist.
They actually have higher chance due to knowing own roles.

It’s both sided-sword.
Sure, it is “if they exist”, but mafia doesn’t know it either.

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You are assuming no mafia will claim PR if you call them innocent children?

One moment, I’ll check the statistics

39% that no protective exists.
61% that at least one does


Thanks, I’ll check the general odds later
The ideas still tossing in my brain, I’m generally against it if the odds for success with posdible reranding are near 50% for other things
I’ll get the full list if you don’t already have it

In reality it might be even a bit more, cause Jackal retrain exists, but I didn’t count that one in.


Did you calculate the chance of citizen rolling once?

Generally it is mostly simplifying the game, by grouping people.
PRs are also significantly nerfed.

And the general benefit of having to read less people is not really countable in odds, unfortunately.
But will end up as (I hope) more accurate reads from most of a game.

It’s kind of also a dillema for mafia.
If they claim no PR, they can freely kill them. But then town is going to do murder spree in vanilla zone, having 5 clears.
If they claim PR, going murder spree in PR zone will out a mafia who claimed it in the end.

Don’t get me wrong, on one of first games on BMG (ToS forum), I claimed PR as mafia and got 2 town PRs lynched. It was massive missplay from town. But also led into me being outed afterwards.
Luckily wasting 3 days on searching me meant that my last teammate was in LyLo on next day and managed to win this.

So the grouping and following actions need to be smart.
However it is leading to 1-2 mafia being outed this way pretty much always.
Unless they no contest it and we have like 5 d1 clears.

Twice, but I also didn’t count town PR due to it being unique and guranteed.

And the chances of it not being able to rand twice?
That’s where I’m stuck

negligible, I omitted that one.

A 2/8 chance doesn’t seem negligible


i just remembered im horrible at math

did i just ignore an entire tab
i did

Why do I do this to myself
I ignored the entire investigatives tab


You need to add citizens to the bottom of fraction as well.

Eevee is town :ayaya:

I give up

6.25% for anything but civ to rand
I’m never touching math again
In my life