Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!


VOTE: Wazza

Kabazame is NAI to me. I am not going to put too much stock on what I think about the killings done outside of Cyanide and Zorvoā€™s wagons. Maybe there might be one scum in there. But just one.

Letā€™s make it a game. Since you claimed, chose a next person to add to claim ping list.

Like the one Eliza did?

Yeah, one person to replace you.

Iā€™m semi interested who you and others will pick.




I didnā€™t want to go first because I could catch someone out with how limited these slots are now but citizen

I said one. But sure. We can play it that way, with everyone selecting few people they are interested in.
Like the selection process is also interesting to me this way, cause I can see who people are interested in, not only theirs claim. Either way it works.


  • ElizaThePsycho


  • Marluna
  • eevee
  • Frostwolf103


  • Wazza
  • Kiiruma
  • Hazardwaste
  • Hippopablompoyeetus
  • thepigeonnyc
  • Jarek
  • Chihiro
  • Magnus
  • Kabazame

Did I misunderstood the rule somehow?

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Itā€™s fine.


  • ElizaThePsycho


  • Marluna
  • eevee
  • Frostwolf103
  • Jarek


  • Wazza
  • Kiiruma
  • Hazardwaste
  • Hippopablompoyeetus
  • thepigeonnyc
  • Chihiro
  • Magnus
  • Kabazame

@Jarek ping whoever you want to claim next. However many people you want.

Donā€™t worry, there will be more citizens than PRs anyway.
But this does visualize by now how tight this spot really is after 3 cit deaths.


ideally these

If someone is here and knows they wonā€™t be later, they can throw theirs out of order.

Citizen unfortunately

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That works, @thepigeonnyc select who you want to hear from next and ping them.


  • ElizaThePsycho


  • eevee
  • Marluna
  • Frostwolf103
  • Jarek
  • thepigeonnyc


  • Wazza
  • Kiiruma
  • Hazardwaste
  • Hippopablompoyeetus
  • Chihiro
  • Magnus
  • Kabazame

Kabazame (1): Kiiruma
Hazardwaste (1): Jarek
Wazza (1): Frostwolf103

Not Voting (10): ElizaThePsycho, Marluna, Wazza, eevee, Hazardwaste, Hippopablompoyeetus, thepigeonnyc, Chihiro, Magnus, Kabazame

Citizen can roll once in Random Town and has doubled weight. Town Power and Town Killing cannot roll in Random Town.