Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

And that’s why correct move was to do it day 1.

For them to get to kill we need to find Jackal first, which no offense, so far didn’t go very well.

Firebrand needs time, I get it. They are not gonna get it with consort and ambusher in game.
And considering noone claim jailed, we got mayor, who is one-shot double lynch. And no offense, but whoever had it should of just revealed day 1 and led the town, then quietly die, making crosskills available.
Cause reminder - jackal is night immune, unless town power is dead.

Aka. I have very low care value about remaining PRs.

VOTE: Pigeon.
I’m returning my vote here. Case in point: everything I said yesterday.

Pigeon had two votes next to Zorvo at this time, and she cast her vote without much progression either. It’s clear that she wasn’t ever expecting Pigeon to die yesterday anyway, as seen by this post. After never mentioning Pigeon once on the first day when he had suspicion on his slot, Rajidae overcompensates by throwing out suspicion in anticipation of his future flip (but not on D2).

I’m interpreting this sequence as Rajidae needing to be “convinced” to vote Pigeon, after seeing a suspicious post early on.

This here demonstrates that Rajidae didn’t really believe in Pigeon dying on the second day. I will admit that it doesn’t very well line up with the strange resistance to Pigeon’s wagon if he was getting bussed by a teammate, but keep in mind that Pigeon’s wagons have failed to gain traction for two days in a row, the only wagons that have gained easy force in this game were those on Cyanide and Zorvo. Going with the flow will not win this game.

Everyone has an independent playstyle and you’re trying to put them into a box.
If there’s an unrevealed mayor, it’s because they have interest in surviving until later in the game. If nobody’s claiming jailed, it’s to avoid outing this information publicly for evils to know about. Yada yada.

Bro, it’s actively hurting town rn. We need information amd crosskills.

But you did get me to realize one thing. If they want to stay hidden, they probably just claimed citizen and that’s where disbalance from cit/pr claims comes from.

Look at what Chihiro said a couple days ago. The first thing is that solving off claim space instead of socials isn’t fun for anyone. If anyone feels this way, they just claim falsely. That’s as simple as it gets.

Issue is - there is too many named slots. Like it was reduced in pregame and I still don’t find it enough being enough claimspace to not do it this way. I might be too much set on doing it optimal way, sure. But like… it’s not a reason to sabotage it. If you want pure social solves, then go play mountainous.

Roles exist for a reason. Setup is semi-open for a reason. And the reason is to use it.

Are you confident that absolutely everyone will feel the exact same way about this setup as you do? Because that’s the concern here, and the way in which you said that you’d be upset if town power roles claimed VT earlier indicates you do feel some degree of certainty and control.

I am very certain about this setup, considering amount of games I plaied on BMG, yes.

Do I expect anyone else to feel confident in this setup? No. Maybe Kiiruma.

You know what @Magnus fine, I’m going to sleep, you do you and I will back off.

Let’s see where it takes us for now.

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Have a good night, Eevee.

So now that a few hours have passed and I’m feeling conscious, I’m prepared to solve the way I want to play. I’ll account for the mech claims thus far, but only because they have matched my social reads up to this point. Speaking of which, I will be resorting my POE. I won’t be apologising for misreading Rajidae, because while I’m always interested in improving from my mistakes, I’m not going to bend the knee for having imperfect reads as an active poster.

The "evidence” that Pigeon is town because their actions resemble Moogle’s behaviour is fallacious because villagers and wolves don’t conform to one of two specific playstyles ever, sorry Zorvo. Look at the way in which he threw support for Zorvo’s wagon and my wagon and Cyanide’s wagon and whatever was leading at any given moment. Then he hesitated on voting Kabazame until it went to reflect poorly on himself. His self-preservative instinct has never been this strong.

Hippo’s assertion that I had been posting very little substance and was highly performative is at odds with the claim that I had boldly defended a wolf partner in Rajidae from the get-go, so he’s just making things up as he goes along.

This feels like blatant TMI given that Rajidae was not my singular townread yesterday. I haven’t worked it through yet, though.

Wazza sticking to her guns about suspecting Zorvo is a great look because it means her vote wasn’t only founded on Eliza’s supposed mech, but it’s also a shame because she ended up flipping her vote later onto Kabazame. Wazza is still town-aligned in my head, just working through the motions, particularly since I want to believe w!Wazza would just continue to vote Zorvo according to her past game behaviour and then play through whatever came next. Here, she voted Kabazame as a logical continuance if a wolf flip happened, over three hours before EOD.

My first thought was to decry the loss of faith in Frost’s slot. I’ll go over this later but my current read (before reeval) says town.

I appreciate Marluna for voting Pigeon before Zorvo when she had a perfectly reasonable opportunity to sheep the leading wagon, right after making a comment about suspecting him.

Next up, regarding the wagons.

it was though lol

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also citizen

This is so aggressive for no reason lol

First of all, I never said I was special. I said you were just picking on the guy who wasn’t around because it’s easy. That’s like the opposite of special

As for Jarek

This is not “literally sheeping”. Eevee has moved on and you presented your case for not liking Jarek, so yes this is you pushing him but not really committing to it

As for Cyanide you started by saying that Zorvo’s push on her didn’t make much sense and he didn’t have great evidence which I took to mean you didn’t think she was scummy, but later you said if there was a wolf between them it was likely Cyanide and that you didn’t like her posting but didn’t explain it or give examples. This is a flip as I see it

and voting someone you townread (Zorvo) for inconclusive mech reasons is scummy, especially when said person flipped town. It’s an easy way to get a town execution without shouldering much of the blame for it because you can just blame Eliza. Voting me was safe as well because no one would blame you for voting an inactive.

This was your reasoning for voting me. What does my flip tell you about anyone else?

VOTE: Wazza

Please respond to my question from last night cheers

how am I different than last game?

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Magnus (3): ElizaThePsycho, Jarek, thepigeonnyc
Wazza (2): Frostwolf103, Kabazame
Kabazame (1): Kiiruma
thepigeonnyc (1): Magnus

Not Voting (6): Marluna, Wazza, eevee, Hazardwaste, Hippopablompoyeetus, Chihiro

this isn’t even a little true