Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

It isn’t, read it in a non-aggressive tone and you’ll find it a lot more pleasant.

I couldn’t care less if you were there or not, I prefer to target people who are in the thread with me because it means I get to cause an argument, it’s called attempting to be convinced.

And I made it clear my thoughts on it that I didn’t like their posts but I agreed heavily with Eevee’s points, that is quite ltierally sheeping Eevee, regardless the push didn’t matter much coming into day 2 as I felt it was mostly pointless to push for it.

Don’t play aloof when you literally quoted the point where I made it clear I enjoyed Zorvo’s push since it made a lot of sense, Cyanide’s reaction to it was atrocious, you’re not some hero, you also didn’t trust Cyanide, you’re averting the blame onto someone who didn’t care for the push.

the mech reasons were very clear, struggling to see how you can’t see that ngl.

Isn’t it funny that despite the fact Zorvo was executed, I’m not blaming Eliza? That’s kinda crazy isn’t it?

I didn’t care about the fact you were an inactive, I cared about how much information your flip gave me on a mental point.

Insane how you have post blindness, literally my next posts include:

I quite literally quoted the fact that it was your entire wall

you put words on a page and contributed nothing

To me this looks like she knew he was town and wanted to make sure jumping on the wagon wouldn’t look too suspicious

Thanks for admitting that freely.

I really don’t think Pigeon is town.

I will never deny that I pushed Cyanide and I was wrong, it happens. This has nothing to do with blaming anyone else for her death because voting wrong is part of the game. What I’m saying is that you seemed to not like Zorvo’s early heat on Cyanide (or at least the reasoning for it, even if you liked it in terms of getting the game going) but when she was in the lead you kind of turned to saying her content was bad without explaining it.

You started by saying that Zorvo’s case didn’t make much sense, then said he’s not using the best evidence, then that you didn’t like Cyanide’s posting. This is what I mean. It’s fair to change your mind throughout the day but you didn’t really give any examples or explain it which makes it look kind of suspicious

i mean obviously not since he flipped town

You ended up voting me at the end instead, so you weren’t on Zorvo’s wagon. and by blame Eliza I mean you can just say you voted him for mech reasons. Blaming mech might have been a better way to phrase that

whoops. fair enough

You voting Zorvo for mech reaons despite town reading him is not “changing thoughts between days”. Nor was your opportunistic vote on me when I wasn’t around. Nor was lightly pushing Jarek but taking the safe way out and pushing Zorvo for mech reasons instead of building your case on an actual scum read. The Cyanide bit was the only part that applies to.

this sounds like scum talking about town (or at least not aligned) to me, not that anyone is really suspecting Eliza at this point but yeah

Is raji the type of player to vote a teammate out of nowhere? I don’t know her, so I’m asking anyone who does

feels like Jarek is not aligned with raji

Wagon was Zorvo (4) Pigeon (2) at this point and rajidae makes it 4-3. Doesn’t feel right if she is aligned with pigeon knowing that Zorvo flipped town

this vote flips the wagon from Zorvo in the lead to pigeon in the lead. Really don’t think raji/pigeon are aligned

So if you’re wrong on a push after following people on a push (while also using your own logic mind you), you’re not doing it to then push on others who suspected them such as you’re doing… right now? So it doesn’t apply for you but does apply for me? You weren’t wrong about the hypocritical part in your wall on me.

my bad I’ll go gather every post in existence for you for Cyanide’s posting looking bad in my opinion, not like you could ISO them to understand what I meant. Besides, yeah, I stated Zorvo’s case didn’t make much sense but then as you quoted, I didn’t like the evidence he used for the wagon but I liked the fact he was doing it. Cyanide’s posting worsened which is why I took Zorvo’s side on it. I was neutral at the point of the first posts, pretty sure that was obvious, ngl.

The mech reasons are still there and I still believe them, it just wasn’t alignment indicative as I presumed at first, I’m not gonna lie I definitely should’ve pieced it together sooner that no matter what Zorvo was going to be chosen by a hider-esque role to obscure any green checks that could’ve been done on the 2nd D1 wagon. (It means he’s more likely to die)

I’m going to be honest, I didn’t take that as the main part of your push, I took the main point of your push as me being opportunistic apparently and flipping onto Cyanide and then flipping on Zorvo which is what it seemed like you were going for.

Also, yeah, that is changing thoughts, since it made it clear to me that I wanted Zorvo to die regardless of my read. I’m not some god that can read everyone perfectly thus I take mech-reasons more over actual reads.

I’m going to be completely honest on the Jarek read, I mostly dropped it as I didn’t have much faith in it coming into day 2, I hopped onto the mech reasons on Zorvo because I trust mech-reasoning over reads I have, the mech reasoning was very poor though but I stuck with it, yeah I’ll take the fault for it. Which is still funny because:

Ending on you doesn’t change what I voted and what I thought regardless. Besides, I voted Zorvo for the mech reasons from Eliza, which makes it funny because it’s still my fault for voting Zorvo in the first place. That’s one thing I feel you’re spewing for no reason since there’s no way for me to blame Eliza regardless so it feels like something you pulled out thinking I could be opportunistic on it.

Kaba has been posting for about an hour and I already really like them and want to keep them around


There’s also a few too many citizen claims, by one, Citizen only spawns as a RT once

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I’m not questioning that for now.

Does that mean I’ve improved


@Jarek unvote me this instant please.

VOTE: Wazza

I still think Magnus is Mafia/Jackal since he completely made up interactions I had with Hippo at a time where I had never so much as mentioned him, almost like he was trying to get a townie killed

I’d rather you didn’t accuse me of making up equity reads, Pigeon. If you’re unsure what I’m talking about, ask me instead of saying I’m a liar without any basis for your claim.

@Hippopablompoyeetus This feels incredibly stilted.

Activity wise you’re a lot less active than before, just as a starting point.
It felt like you did more reads in that game too compared to how you have here.
You were relatively hedgy on Hazard’s read on me (being quite a bit of a soul read) but consistently were like ‘It’s ok, it seems fine’

The one reason I don’t suspect you much more than I do is it felt like in that game you’d been focusing on Achro a decent amount and since he’s not here maybe your dynamic is just a bit different.

Overall you just feel like this game something has happened. Read quality feels different

I’ve read this 5 times and can’t parse it I’m sorry. All I’m saying is you were inconsistent on Cyanide and didn’t really explain why you changed your mind, and the timing of said change was suspicious as Cyanide was now a townie in the lead

what I’m saying is it’s a good way for a wolf to get a town execution with little risk, because no one will suspect you for following the scan. I wouldn’t either if it was all I saw from you but it’s one piece of the puzzle

I feel like us going back and forth is clogging up the thread a bit and not really going anywhere, but you made some solid points re: your Day 2. I’m going to look at some other players now because I feel like this is a bit of a dead end at the moment

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activity is a fair point. I’ve been busy but you don’t know that for sure, so I understand the suspicion there.
I feel like I’ve given quite a few reads this game though relative to my activity level. I was off on Cyanide but I was wrong a lot last game, hell I scum read you remember? lol

what are the odds no one on the mafia knew about the Jackal? lmao

not much else to glean from Chihiro’s ISO. Maybe TMI here

but eh not enough to move the needle for me. Need to see more from him

I don’t really think this would make sense to be the case, given their loyal vote and everything? I’m assuming Rajidae tried to fake-derp clear herself or something, because I feel like it’d be harder for a wolf to misunderstand their own abilities and limitations than for a villager to miss the OP. Amelia feels like the sort to check in with scumchat if they misunderstand something like that, but I’m not sure.

This doesn’t really respond to your Chihiro breakdown in any way, I’m just responding to your joke because it’s easy.