Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

we gonna have another wallpost battle?


Sure, itā€™s probably better if you donā€™t mind.

Can you answer question on top 3 REALISTIC lynches for today?
Realistic as in can get traction, not some hero bullshit which is hard to convince people to.


Not that I have this in mind, but like I am willing to remove my vote off you, but I want your innocence proven

@Magnus Since then, I am more wary of Pigeon. But should he being proven wrong? I think so.

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good luck with that
youā€™re the ones with reasoning to vote me yet you havenā€™t stated it from what Iā€™ve seen so honestly I donā€™t know what to say lol


I wouldnā€™t try to convince people to execute a universally townread player without any support, it isnā€™t like Iā€™ve done that multiple times in past games already.
Wazzaā€™s the top wagon, so even if Iā€™m not in favour of it, thatā€™s a general realistic wagon. Sending Chihiro over would be fairly easy and they have a few points against them, particularly when their jailkeeper towngame a while back was way stronger than this one. Iā€™m going back to Pigeon for my third, because Hippo wonā€™t gain traction even if Iā€™m semi-confident there.

Interesting choice of words, but it might be poor choice.

Zorvo didnā€™t care and look how that turned out, time for trolling is over.

Pigeon should not be this hard to get votes on when heā€™s pretty much a default execution in every towngame, though.

Frost, you havenā€™t stated your reasons to suspect me.

What do you expect me to say? Alakazam, Iā€™m innocent?

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Ah I see. Well I donā€™t have a problem with you suspicions on Cyanide being wrong in a vacuum. I just felt like your read was inconsistent there so it seems fabricated. Maybe itā€™s just because you didnā€™t really explain your thought process in detail so it was hard to follow.

True, if Zorvo had been scum it would have be invalidated. And I donā€™t have a problem with following the mech, it was just that you continued to call him town throughout the day despite voting him which just seems off to me

Oh, well thatā€™s good then!

I feel like one thing youā€™re missing regarding my Cyanide push is how spaced out the first two parts are (push being dumb - evidence being dumb) and then the next part of ā€œcyanideā€™s posting is poorā€ is very spaced out. Mostly because I was inactive during D1.

This is odd, why would suggest killing me before Zorvo in this case?

I can re read

Started the game hard and fast with agitation towards those who appose them. this is usually town read for me at least but as zorvo commented on later this is kiirumas decently normal reaction towards zorvo. evident in both town and wolf games.


hmmm. he scum read zorvo, but then said zorvo cant read him. zorvo wont read him correctly if scum so why make this joke.

not hedging. tally in the good column

Kaba and Kiiruma arent w/w

all in allā€¦ still pretty null. he has made some good reads when it came to not hedging out of the gate and such. but i dont like that interaction halfway through day 1. this could be me over thinking shit. i would like to see more reads coming from kiiruma outside of kaba

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that makes sense. I was rather inactive as well, so Iā€™m mostly going off of your ISO, though I tried to read into the context

I had a stronger scum read on you independent of that aspect than I did Zorvo, who I didnā€™t think was scum but I liked pigeon and (obviously) myself more so I voted him at the end

Ah thats why you didnā€™t want to share.

Frost Iā€™m literally asking you to share oh my god

Say why you scumread me Iā€™ve been waiting ages

I come back to that, I need to collect.

Because this feel outdated and I think Kabazame have a thing I like him about his reasoning to you, Wazza.

wtf am I reading?

yeah I explained that
50 times now to Kaba and Kaba realised theyā€™re wrong lol