Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

tf do you expect me to do, pull an innocent child reveal out of my ass???

Because if I am not stating my reasons now, then thats because I am testing you.

Well dont tell me what to do


I do have different standards than you do, but not going to prove anything innocent because I refuse to prove you innocent, what is that suppose to mean?

Iā€™m telling you to tell me why you suspect me, thatā€™s a fucking basic forum mafia necessity if youā€™re going to vote me, Iā€™m not trying to be arrogant or cocky, I just want to know why you think Iā€™m scum oh my god!


Iā€™m leaving the thread, you refuse to tell me why you suspect me and then tell me to defend myself when you refuse to give me anything to defend myself against, useless thread interaction.

Hey I was the ā€“ okay I already said I am going to return, so thats fair.

You know what, I will NOT vote anyone who beats me in one of the following:

Just dance
Beat Saber

Game, mode and stuff up to your choice.

the only one Iā€™d have a chance in is beat saber but I donā€™t have my VR anymore

unlucky :pensive:

good news i have a new phone

bad news is it cost like 300 quid but at least i can play fm again

No it doesnt


I still think Magnus is mafia-aligned

Wazza (3): Frostwolf103, Kabazame, Jarek
Magnus (2): ElizaThePsycho, thepigeonnyc
Kabazame (1): Kiiruma
thepigeonnyc (1): Magnus

I townread everyone on Wazza wagon which is sadly a good sign it might just be Wazza.

However if we vote Wazza we canā€™t have any more iconic Wazza/Frost interactions so Magnus is safer for thread health.

Has Eliza stated their ā€œclearā€? They claim tracker right


i can litteraly hear this post

No, they donā€™t. That was fake agreement between me and Eliza.

If you check back I pushed the claim on them right after I asked them for cooperation.

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Looming threat of tracker existance was meant to be around for sake of claiming.
In reality they can be whatever.

this is literally just a mislynchables list

This is a list of people who are wagonable, rather than people who are wagonable AND preferred by Magnus