Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

thanks King

Who we murdering

I am listeningā€¦

I just finished watching White Lotus cannot recommend it enough

I think magnus should say if they claim a confirmable pr or not

cuz theyā€™re deffo gonna claim amnesiac or something

@Pestilence whatā€™s maj


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this has to be the most eevee thing ever idk why

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Well we have a mayor instead of a jailor which is kinda sad.

Someone is going to say they were jailed and that will make me cringe.

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Iā€™m not wholly against doing both but Wazza has had scummier behaviour in my eyes with the whole flip flopping pushes on people as someone pointed out who I have momentarily forgotten the name of

The person Iā€™d want to go out along with them would most likely be hazard, my vibe on them has not changed itā€™s actually gotten worse, given that evils are fairly close to getting their own majorities it makes sense that theyā€™d be doing little to rock the boat and hazard has dissapeared

Well okay thatā€™s not neccessarily true they havenā€™t dissapeared scratch that last part out but I want to kill them aargh

There are like 6 or so evils so I canā€™t exactly be wrong

Within any given group of 5 players you can be sure thereā€™s at least 1 evil atm!

Five actually, Rajidae is Mafioso. Killed by Jackal.

Why do I always fall back on wanting to kill slankers

@eevee what was the point of revealing as mayor with no followup suggestions

I am aware they PR claimed but personally i think Magnus is still best vote


evil within

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