Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

what are the odds Icet was forged to fake an Ambusher game
like, none, right

Iā€™ve not updated my read-list and looking back on it I kinda hate how indecisive it is, but thatā€™s really just how I am, nobody has done anything that makes me feel comfortable one way or the other

Iā€™m still not opposed to it

They exist.

Fun fact is jackal canā€™t really know it.

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I wouldnā€™t call it none. I thought about it earlier but havenā€™t vocalised it.

i do agree with pigeon here what do we even have on chiro outside of disliking the jackal role

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yeah but thatā€™s not the point,
idc about the read I get from it or the reads in the post from what I saw, you proved me wrong and thatā€™s all I cared about there

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Thank you :pleading_face:

A significant departure from their (to my knowledge) last and only towngame on this site, and thatā€™s about it.

@Chihiro you got a general read list? asking for a friend

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Am I your friend?

yes. you are the friend i speak of

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dont tell kiiruma he is about to be replaced


You remind me of my old fucking church youth group leaders

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Am I too :pleading_face:

sure! you can be a friend too


Tangent here but these guys are incredibly insistent that they are my friends despite the fact I have cut them off

What the hell?

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no just the bit about friends reminded me of that for some reason

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I hope Hazard doesnā€™t feel like Iā€™m pressuring him, geez.

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