Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

Right, the ambusher and the lookout.


I believe the lookout is real, not forged.
I also believe that mafia has close to zero incentive to kill IceT.

Ergo I believe it is ambusher kill.


Hey @Hippopablompoyeetus are you still around?

You were tracked to Magnus.
I would like to talk with you about it.

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This is such Hippo moment

I am around now

Despite it looking like ive been accused and then hidden i have been busy

I am town and did not visit magnus. Nor would i have if i was a killer as magnus was easily lynhacble over eevee as i scumrewd them.

Also if mafia have ambusher why would Eliza not have been killed if I visited Magnus?

Ambusher kills watchers

I assume i have been framed as eliza had no reason to claim blocked n1

But also i dont think anyone else has claimed blocked so theres a chance eliza is just massivebraining it but that spicy a play doesnt seem like them

Unfortunately it isnā€™t. I really need to get good at re-evaluation lol

And like thinking about why magnus died itā€™s kind of obvious isnā€™t it, they ambushed and factional killed magnus at the same time so either they kill someone trying to protect them, kill specifically eliza who would be trying to track them (they were suspicious so a big track target), or they kill an unclaimed PR that they would know is either real or a Jackal recruit

Magnus would ignite last night after outing pretty much always. Lack of firebrand kills indicate they were roleblocked.
Which pretty much means ambusher cannot use theirs ability on Magnus, cause they would risk killing own consort.

Which Iā€™m assuming you are consort currently. Itā€™s bit of a wild read, considering there is much less specific behavior a consort would have then what jackal had.

However in my eyes you are not a mafia who performed a kill.

thats the other thing. whats the reasoning for an ambush again?

like why do people think we have an ambusher?

Because the lookout died and it wasnā€™t a sensible kill is what Iā€™m hearing

Magnus didnt claim firebrand did they?

I dont even know what consort means

IceT kill was wild too much for it to be directed.

Either ambusher or consig or agent was actual full theory*
However considering mafia support is already a suspected consort, especially considering lack of ignite last night and claimed n1 roleblock from Elizaā€¦ Ambusher is bit more likely.

HOWEVER even if other options are plausible, ambusher is one we assume, since itā€™s ā€œworst case scenarioā€.
Consig nor agent can influence night results.
And for mafia head - underboss doesnā€™t exist, while godfather and capo have lower impact. Becouse we donā€™t have sheriff to begin with.

So itā€™s bit of ā€œitā€™s plausibleā€ and bit of ā€œworst case scenarioā€ combination.

fair i guess. but wouldnt then mean we should have 2 kills from the mafia that night? or am i insane

@Jarek @Hazardwaste please read this and remember for future, to see what we are operating on.

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